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View Full Version : Conservatives Want Terrorists To Be Able To Buy Guns!!!

Punch The Clown
07-10-2016, 02:40 PM
Am I the only person in the country that understands that conservatives are not trying to give terrorists guns, but are trying to prevent liberals from using govt. agencies as a weapon against their opponents.
The obama administration wants to ban ammunition but it can't. So, what does it do? It has homeland security buy up billions of rounds of ammo, causing a shortage which then causes prices to skyrocket. It's got more tricks though. Since lead is a major component in the production of ammo let's send the epa out and ban lead smelting. How about this? Get on board with the Tea Party and have the irs chase you down like a rabid dog. Arrest illegals? Kiss that fema money good bye.
That retard that is running for President as a Republican has enough ammunition right here to wound the democrat filth, but instead he makes the same idiotic speech over and over about how great America will be again.
And by the way. I really do think that he could turn his follower into an angry mob if he felt like it. It'll be like Kristallnacht all over again.

Although the democrats are smarter than the republicans (I say this because hillary is the next President), these morons want to suspend 2nd Amendment rights. If I were them I would do the 4th Amendment. You can get a lot more bang for your buck with that one. Ban the 4th becomes a de facto ban of the 2nd amongst others.