View Full Version : I was going to roll the dice with trump, that's over.
09-14-2016, 06:55 AM
trump was a terrible candidate, I was still going to vote for it. Do you all know that it rolled out a socialist, un Constitutional welfare program yesterday to pay for child care? trump just lost my vote, it probably wouldn't have helped it anyway. Our Republic is lost and gone the way of the roman empire. Santa Claus has completely taken over and our population is completely chuck full of PUSSY'S who want other people's stuff!
Punch The Clown
09-14-2016, 07:57 AM
I can't believe any of this is a surprise to you? The democrats won this election before it even started. trump is an asshole and a democrat no doubt but at least with him the death of the country would have been prolonged.
In this day and age it is not possible for anyone that wants to reel in wild govt spending, reduce give-away entitlement programs, and support law and order to get elected. Trump. the pseudo Republican will lose the general election to hillary by a few points. If anyone thinks that Cruz or Rubio could have beaten clinton you have to be on something. The winning candidate is the one that is going to give away the most free shit. Face it Johnny, It's over.
Prince Humperdink
09-14-2016, 10:43 AM
I'm a Libertarian,and my candidate is no good either.The worst election year ever.The Republic is long gone.
09-14-2016, 11:48 AM
Well, one thing for sure the news media, and the internet are surely having a dramatic effect the way people feel one way or the other. I'm not even involved in the social media stuff like facebook and such, but it's staggering how fast the news cycle spins because of the net.
People are really up in arms. Libs are further to the left, and conservatives the opposite. Not much middle of the road. People need to look to local and state politics which to a greater extent they can influence, unless of course you live in one of the big cities. Thinking back, I'm sure each generation felt America as they knew it was in the midst of uncontrollable change. It's still up to each individual to exercise their rights....if they value those rights. If you sit on your dead ass, don't contact your representatives, if your in a union say nothing because your timid, so forth and so on. Yeah, things don't look good politically, but if your just going to give up then you deserve all the crap coming your way.
09-14-2016, 03:23 PM
I'd still rather have the Donald pick a Supreme Court Justice (or two) than let Hildabeast do it.
As always it seems the process has broken into the lesser of two evils. I feel votes are needed against HC from winning the presidency.
I'm glad I'm in Texas... viva la revolucion!
Water Monkey
09-14-2016, 04:21 PM
He's pandering to the moderate independents now. General election brings people more middle of the road. I'm concerned about SC justice picks. Next president is gonna get a mandatory 1 possibly 2 their first term. That swings the court big time. Trump is better than Clinton in that regard.
Punch The Clown
09-14-2016, 07:42 PM
I'd still rather have the Donald pick a Supreme Court Justice (or two) than let Hildabeast do it.
As always it seems the process has broken into the lesser of two evils. I feel votes are needed against HC from winning the presidency.
Absolutely. If for no other reason that is the one that justifies voting for trump.
09-15-2016, 06:22 AM
He's pandering to the moderate independents now. General election brings people more middle of the road. I'm concerned about SC justice picks. Next president is gonna get a mandatory 1 possibly 2 their first term. That swings the court big time. Trump is better than Clinton in that regard.
Yes it is. I for one will not reward any subhuman pandering for a "moderate" vote. Merry christmas trump!
Punch The Clown
09-15-2016, 07:04 AM
Tim, there are plenty more kagans, sotomayors, bader-ginsbergs, breyers, and roberts out there just waiting to be appointed.
09-15-2016, 07:48 AM
You never know what Trump will do though. He's a life-long dem and only switched sides when it fit his needs. That being said, he'll most likely appoint judges that suit his business agenda no matter how else this appointee feels about other topics.
Punch The Clown
09-15-2016, 08:09 AM
Canes, trump grew up in a libtard town and the only people he knows are libtards. Also, if you need anything done in this city you HAVE to be a democrat. Walk into a state senator, councilman, representative, or any other elected officials office and they check your party affiliation. If trump was not a dem brick one on any buildings or project would never get laid. My state senator who is a "Republican" does not screen you before listening to your problem. The screening process seems to be a democrap thing. trump is running as a Republican because the democrat slot was filled. Still, I will take a half loaf of bread over none.
09-15-2016, 08:15 AM
The way I see it you've got one candidate, you know without a doubt, will seek judges that will erode our constitutional rights.
While Trump may be unpredictable the alternative is unacceptable to me!
My analogy:
The ship is sinking. If you stay in your cabin you'll go down with the ship. You can take your chances and fight to get above deck. You might not make it but at least there was a chance.
This election has again turnd I to, "who do I not want in the WH."
Water Monkey
09-15-2016, 09:24 AM
To be honest Trump should have run for Governor of NY (He was toying with that idea at an Anti-SAFE act rally I attended in Albany a couple of years ago). He would have beat Cuomo without the RNC money support. Instead he focused on the big stage. The RNC then decided to not support Astorino (a true conservative) and many RINO conservatives in NY backed Cuomo. Even Christy decided not to provided Astorino with funding from the RNC as part of a backdoor deal with Cuomo. There were no ads paid for during the election for down state voters (NYC/Long Island) for Astorino.
And to be fair, Trump was voted in by record numbers of primary voters in most states. In essence, WE the electorate, chose this year's RNC candidate despite the HUGE push back from the GOP boys club members. Most people were voting for anti-establishment and didn't do their homework on who the biggest loudmouth really is/was.
Trump ran for President as a publicity stunt to renegotiate his contract for The Apprentice. Unfortunately for everybody, he got himself fired for comments on the campaign trail!
URL: Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted The Job In The First Placel (
09-15-2016, 12:40 PM
My analogy:
The ship is sinking. If you stay in your cabin you'll go down with the ship. You can take your chances and fight to get above deck. You might not make it but at least there was a chance.
Here's a more accurate analogy (and appropriate considering the anniversary was last week). You're the guy of the 110th floor of the trade tower that decides to jump. That's exactly what voting for trump is
09-15-2016, 01:08 PM
Trump ran for President as a publicity stunt to renegotiate his contract for The Apprentice. Unfortunately for everybody, he got himself fired for comments on the campaign trail!
URL: Trump Is Self-Sabotaging His Campaign Because He Never Really Wanted The Job In The First Placel (
Obviously you can read and accept any source you choose....but really...The Huffington Post?
09-15-2016, 01:54 PM
Some very good points in this thread....
Obviously you can read and accept any source you choose....but really...The Huffington Post?
I can't find the original. Michael Moore may be a leftist piece of scheiss but he's honest as far as I know. It certainly does explain a lot if it's true!
09-15-2016, 03:20 PM
I can't find the original. Michael Moore may be a leftist piece of scheiss but he's honest as far as I know. It certainly does explain a lot if it's true!
Oh yes, I'm sure Michael Moore is a very honest fellow in regards to gun rights.
09-15-2016, 05:34 PM
Guy's I'm simply not going to pick between a dumb ass socialist or a clown act communist. Let this be a lesson to ALL Conservatives, there is NO SUCH THING AS A Conservative nEW yORK politician. Conservative in nEW yORK is libtard even in Michigan. In a republican primary you should NEVER vote for a candidate from new york, california, massachusetts, rhode island, vermont, connecticut, new jersey, oregon, or maryland. These states have NO shared values, as far as politicians go, with the rest of the country.
09-18-2016, 07:48 PM
Here's a more accurate analogy (and appropriate considering the anniversary was last week). You're the guy of the 110th floor of the trade tower that decides to jump. That's exactly what voting for trump is
Not even close Sean. Jumping is akin to not voting because you don't like the candidate with an "R" in the ballot box.
Shit guys, I get it about Trump. I'll guarantee this though: if you sit out and don't try and keep Killary out of the WH we are in deep trouble. Like your firearms-related business? I hope you've got a plan B.
09-18-2016, 09:08 PM
Not even close Sean. Jumping is akin to not voting because you don't like the candidate with an "R" in the ballot box.
Shit guys, I get it about Trump. I'll guarantee this though: if you sit out and don't try and keep Killary out of the WH we are in deep trouble. Like your firearms-related business? I hope you've got a plan B.
Hell with my business, we have a country to worry about. We need a reset.
Hell with my business, we have a country to worry about. We need a reset.
That's what I keep telling people. So-called 'liberalism' has metastasized in this country, the Tree of Liberty needs replenishment badly.
Punch The Clown
09-19-2016, 06:21 AM
That's what I keep telling people. So-called 'liberalism' has metastasized in this country, the Tree of Liberty needs replenishment badly.
But it will never happen. There are no more patriots.
09-19-2016, 08:46 AM
This country has been on a hard left swing for a long time. It's been so gradual that we just don't realize how much. Remember arguing about gun control and having the anti-gunners say "You just need to compromise" without realizing that any gun control is a compromise? It's like that now with everything now, from guns to taxes to how we raise our kids even. The agenda progresses slowly, over generations.
So what does this have to do with the bafoon Trump and the evil lying witch Hillary? We've let the state slowly work common sense out of our thinking and out of our society. The end result are two incredibly unqualified contenders for President. This is how "they" (the Bilderburgs or whatever society) know we are done. We fighting over two people that should never have been even seriously considered in the first place. No one is happy with the choices but we still argue amongst each other.
To me this is complete insult. Our politics have been replaced with a show meant to placate and entertain. Again, like the progressive agenda; remove responsibility from the people and give to the government to create dependency. Well guess what, with these two choices I think it's obvious that there has been a whole lot of irresponsibility going on, and it's not just the .gov it's us too.
What to do about it? That is the serious question, the one we should have been asking all along. Thats the real question with the real serious and scary answer.
09-19-2016, 01:26 PM
This country has been on a hard left swing for a long time. It's been so gradual that we just don't realize how much. Remember arguing about gun control and having the anti-gunners say "You just need to compromise" without realizing that any gun control is a compromise? It's like that now with everything now, from guns to taxes to how we raise our kids even. The agenda progresses slowly, over generations.
So what does this have to do with the bafoon Trump and the evil lying witch Hillary? We've let the state slowly work common sense out of our thinking and out of our society. The end result are two incredibly unqualified contenders for President. This is how "they" (the Bilderburgs or whatever society) know we are done. We fighting over two people that should never have been even seriously considered in the first place. No one is happy with the choices but we still argue amongst each other.
To me this is complete insult. Our politics have been replaced with a show meant to placate and entertain. Again, like the progressive agenda; remove responsibility from the people and give to the government to create dependency. Well guess what, with these two choices I think it's obvious that there has been a whole lot of irresponsibility going on, and it's not just the .gov it's us too.
What to do about it? That is the serious question, the one we should have been asking all along. Thats the real question with the real serious and scary answer.
Well said.
09-20-2016, 02:28 PM
Politics and viewpoints aside, the bottom line is we are given a choice between two candidates.
Like them or not, you are doing this country a disservice by not voting for the one that would be the best for you, your family, and this country.
That being said.......the choice is (or should be) pretty clear to anyone that is not a liberal. And, I highly doubt anyone who comes to this site would qualify as a liberal, or Democrat for that matter.
Even if you don't cast a vote at the top of the ticket, there are some critical downticket races. There is a good chance the Senate may change hands, and even a slight chance the House may, too. Every vote in those races counts, and there are candidates actually worth voting for.
Having a single party monopoly over the WH, both houses of Congress and, shortly thereafter, the SC, is not good for the country. Our whole constitutional system was designed around having competing centers of power.
09-23-2016, 12:15 AM
I am twenty times more conservative than you are, in fact my political views are so far right wing my real ideas are not printable. And I am voting for Trump. Is Trump a left winger? I dont really know, frankly dont really care. At this stage of the history of this country, all I really care about is the Second Amendment is not eroded like obama has tried in his second term, nor how hillary would love to do. Trump also has made claims he wants to bring manufacturing back into the USA, which this country has lost since hillary's husband Billy pushed NAFTA way back in the nineties.
Because of Trump's strong pro-Second Amendment opinions in the last year (and because I know his boys are into guns), I believe he is basically pro-2A. I do not believe hillary is pro-2A, I believe hillary wants to get rid of the Second Amendment entirely. Hence, I will vote for Trump.
Trump's statements the other day endorsing a childcare program was a propaganda statement to get women, who are generally weak minded and more interested in that sort of subject (childcare). If you are as old as you are and you have not figured out that you tell women and children one thing and men other things, you have not figured out very much, IMO.
Frankly, I believe Trump is the kind of guy who changes his mind a lot. I understand that and he is entitled to be that way.
I advise everybody I come into contact with to "invest in brass and lead," in case socialist hillary is elected this November. And this leftist then stacks the U.S. Supreme Court bench with left wing pieces of shit who will quickly overturn Heller and thus outlaw private ownership of firearms.
Love and kisses
trump was a terrible candidate, I was still going to vote for it. Do you all know that it rolled out a socialist, un Constitutional welfare program yesterday to pay for child care? trump just lost my vote, it probably wouldn't have helped it anyway. Our Republic is lost and gone the way of the roman empire. Santa Claus has completely taken over and our population is completely chuck full of PUSSY'S who want other people's stuff!
Punch The Clown
09-23-2016, 08:53 AM
I am twenty times more conservative than you are, in fact my political views are so far right wing my real ideas are not printable. And I am voting for Trump. Is Trump a left winger? I dont really know, frankly dont really care. At this stage of the history of this country, all I really care about is the Second Amendment is not eroded like obama has tried in his second term, nor how hillary would love to do. Trump also has made claims he wants to bring manufacturing back into the USA, which this country has lost since hillary's husband Billy pushed NAFTA way back in the nineties.
Because of Trump's strong pro-Second Amendment opinions in the last year (and because I know his boys are into guns), I believe he is basically pro-2A. I do not believe hillary is pro-2A, I believe hillary wants to get rid of the Second Amendment entirely. Hence, I will vote for Trump.
Trump's statements the other day endorsing a childcare program was a propaganda statement to get women, who are generally weak minded and more interested in that sort of subject (childcare). If you are as old as you are and you have not figured out that you tell women and children one thing and men other things, you have not figured out very much, IMO.
Frankly, I believe Trump is the kind of guy who changes his mind a lot. I understand that and he is entitled to be that way.
I advise everybody I come into contact with to "invest in brass and lead," in case socialist hillary is elected this November. And this leftist then stacks the U.S. Supreme Court bench with left wing pieces of shit who will quickly overturn Heller and thus outlaw private ownership of firearms.
Love and kisses
RT, I seriously doubt that you are more conservative than most of the folks around here. I cannot think of a conservative view that is not fit to print unless you are confusing right wing and left wing ideology.
What Mr. Trump seems to be lacking is a moral compass. He is a rudderless ship going all over the place without any real course. Was the child care idea pandering to women? absolutely. I just wish that some of his theatrics are the plan of a master conservative trying to re-take the White House with this populist scheme but I don't think that it is the case.
As far as bringing jobs back to America? Why would anyone in this country in his/her right mind want to work when there are so many more lucrative social programs out there just waiting to be tapped into? Which, by the way, is racism at it's finest.
You want jobs? Get rid of the epa, osha, pesh, ssdi, doc, and the hundreds of other acronym agencies passing de-facto laws. Make right to work national and maybe someone will manufacture something other that weather tech floor liners or my pillow in this country.
As far as the Supreme Court, I agree.
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