View Full Version : I need some suggestions: one of my garands bump fires

10-28-2016, 12:33 PM

This is a bad situation I find myself in. I have a 308 garand that seems to ALWAYS bump fire. I think I caused the problem by inletting the stock a bit because it was very difficult to open/close the trigger guard. I've tried substituting a different trigger group - same problem. I've tried substituting a different stock with different trigger group - problem goes away. I have not yet tried a different stock with the original trigger group but will next time I go to the range. I've examined the two trigger groups under a magnifying glass, they appear identical. I have not tried taking them apart to see if any springs are more worn on the one from the .308, yet. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Tim, what do you think?



10-28-2016, 02:22 PM
Do the trigger groups pass the hammer fall test? I've learned that EVERYTHING done to a Garand affects something somewhere else.

10-29-2016, 03:41 PM
Problem with a trigger group that is too tight it causes the trigger group to bow a few thousands. You can relieve some wood were the trigger group pad rests in the stock or change the trigger guard to one the shows some wear on the locking pins. Either way you want to trigger group not lock up so tight.

10-29-2016, 05:40 PM
Tim: Both trigger groups pass the hammer fall test. Neither has parts that are especially worn. The rifle that is giving me problems is a CMP special constructed in 2011.
RDS: I'm not sure exactly where you are suggesting to relieve the wood. I did remove a bit if wood and I believe that's what got me into this problem since the gun didn't do this for the first couple of years that I owned it, it was just very hard to open the trigger guard.

10-29-2016, 06:24 PM
I am guessing that you relieved the wood under the trigger guard. For a quick check, you can get those cheap thin advertising refrigerator magnets and cut one into strips. Stick them to the trigger guard and install it back in the rifle. See if that helps.

If that solves your problem and you want a more permanent fix, you can cut and glue wood veneer strips onto the area you relieved.
You can stain the wood to make the repair less noticeable.

A good tight lockup on a garand is desirable. It helps with accuracy. It is not unusual to use a rubber mallet to close the trigger guard.

10-30-2016, 06:29 AM
Look at your stock here, does it have a line/indent? If so the trigger is hitting and this could be a possible cause.Try removing a small amount of wood here and fire rifle again