View Full Version : The Lone Ranger

10-29-2016, 07:09 PM
The Lone Ranger was ambushed and captured by an Indian war party.

The Indian Chief proclaims:
"So, You are the great Lone Ranger."
"In honor of our Harvest Festival,
you will be executed in three days.
Before I have you killed, you will be granted three requests.
What is your first request ?"

The Lone Ranger responds:
"Let me speak to my horse, Silver."

The Chief nods and Silver is brought before the Lone Ranger who whispers into Silver's ear.
The horse gallops away.
Later that evening Silver returns with a beautiful blonde woman on his back.
The blonde enters the Lone Ranger's teepee and spends the night.

The next morning the Chief says " You have a fine and loyal horse, however in two days
I will have you executed. What is your second request ?"
The Lone Ranger says again, "Let me speak to my horse."
Again he whispers into Silver's ear and the horse gallops off.
Later that afternoon Silver return with a voluptuous brunette, more attractive than the blonde.
The brunette enters the Lone Ranger's tent spends the night.

The next morning, the Chief who is very impressed with Silver turns to the Lone Ranger and
says, "You have an exceptional horse, however, I will still have you killed tomorrow. What is your last request ?"
The Lone Ranger says: "Let me speak to my horse."
Again Silver is brought to the Lone Ranger.

Alone, the Lone Ranger grabs Silver by his ears and looks him straight in the eyes and says:

" BRING POSSE !!!!!!! "

Punch The Clown
10-31-2016, 06:22 PM
That is friggin funny!