View Full Version : Dont Forget Walking Dead Premiere
10-22-2017, 06:05 AM
Walking Dead premiere is tonight !
10-22-2017, 09:28 AM
How could anyone forget this?
Most of last season was forgettable. I'm not sure where the writers can take it in the long run.
Is it going to be worth watching?
10-22-2017, 10:51 AM
Last years episode 1 was pretty epic and the last episode left me ready to get to it. The problem is the absolute self indulgence of all the filler episodes. I don't need all this artsy crap where we explore Man's inhumanity to man and our battle between the Id and the Ego. I explored all that crap in Psych 101 back in 1985, I don't need a re-visit to the classroom. Entertain me with an epic story of high adventure!
10-22-2017, 04:01 PM
I’m sure episode 1 will be good. If not, I will not watch anymore.
10-22-2017, 10:22 PM
Getting back to a new season of TWD sure makes you appreciate how good it is and how utterly BAD Fear the walking dead IS. FTWD is an utter snooze fest with a libtard plot, completely unrealistic human interaction, no basis in how real people would act. FTWD MUST be written by libtards who simply want to show how "nice" people could survive the apocalypse with no guns and minimal loss of life.
FTWD is now dead to me. I hung in there all this time and the dream is now over. It took this season premiere of TWD to cement my decision and walk away.
10-23-2017, 05:55 AM
I never could get into FTWD, never made it through the first episode
Well, once again Rick proves he can't hit the side of a barn at 50 yards. His aim would probably improve if he chose a rifle that actually had sights on it, though.
10-23-2017, 07:43 AM
Well, once again Rick proves he can't hit the side of a barn at 50 yards. His aim would probably improve if he chose a rifle that actually had sights on it, though.
Yah, he needed those misses to make the future episodes work. They could have at least made the shots tough so that there was a reason for the missing.
Well, Neegan was squirming a bit inside that shelter.
10-23-2017, 08:48 AM
I do not care what level of "fantasy" this series is, that situation with Rick and posse driving up to Neegan's front door like that just can't happen. If it did, there would be blood everywhere! There were 5 or 6 peeps with Neegan out on that loading dock? Not one serious hit? Neegan caught one in the leg it seemed. Total crap. I'm no serious strategist but while I had Neegans attention up front, I'd have at least 3-5 snipers behind me ready to take care of business.
But then again, if I were Rick, the Governor would't have lasted more than an episode or two and neither would Neegan.
Prince Humperdink
10-23-2017, 11:09 AM
I won't be able to see it until it comes out on Netflix next year.
10-23-2017, 11:48 AM
I do not care what level of "fantasy" this series is, that situation with Rick and posse driving up to Neegan's front door like that just can't happen. If it did, there would be blood everywhere! There were 5 or 6 peeps with Neegan out on that loading dock? Not one serious hit? Neegan caught one in the leg it seemed. Total crap. I'm no serious strategist but while I had Neegans attention up front, I'd have at least 3-5 snipers behind me ready to take care of business.
But then again, if I were Rick, the Governor would't have lasted more than an episode or two and neither would Neegan.
Yep! Oddly the snipers took every guard off the roof with one clean shot and they also took other watchers off buildings and deer stands with one shot. Still, the very same sniper couldn't take the Posse off the front porch with Neegan? Welcome to Fantasy Island LMFAO.
10-24-2017, 05:25 PM
I let this one slip by me. I’ll have to catch it online.
So, does anyone think that tonight the Alexandrians will realize the reason they weren't able to take out Negin was that they don't have sights on their rifles? If they figure that one out, the show will wrap up in an episode or two.
10-29-2017, 08:35 PM
I did see some sights on the firearms last episode.
10-29-2017, 08:50 PM
I did see some sights on the firearms last episode.
Was it in pairs? Like front and back. Were they being used?
10-30-2017, 07:01 AM
I saw pairs being used in last nights episode. Some of the rear flips were between flips.
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