View Full Version : 2017 hunting season.

Prince Humperdink
12-08-2017, 12:28 PM
Our regular hunting season ended Nov 26th,and we have "shoulder hunts" going on right now,which are private land hunts to cull some of the masses of antlerless Elk that are the product of outfitters locking up all the land around here.I will be out tomorrow to see if I can get a Cow elk,so this is my tally so far...
1 Antelope Doe
1 Mule Deer doe
1Whitetail Buck
2 Whitetail does
1 spike bull Elk

Normally I could only buy a General deer tag,and a general Elk tag,but a neighboring region was allowing each hunter to buy 2 extra Whitetail doe tags because of over population.The Antelope tag,Antlerless Mule Deer,and 2nd Antlerless Elk were all through a drawing earlier in the year.Oh yeah,my youngest Daughter got to hunt for the first time this year and took a Mule Deer doe as well!
Here are the only pics I have..


12-08-2017, 04:05 PM
Well don't you just have a nice tally of doom up there. Good shooting bro!

12-08-2017, 05:57 PM
Very nice! Congratulations all around.

12-10-2017, 09:40 AM
Good job Humpi, freezer should be full