View Full Version : Please, I do NOT do business with thieving democrat commies
01-28-2018, 09:47 AM
It very clearly says that I do not do business with oboombya fans on my order page. I am not going to enable democrat gun owners who want to have their cake and eat it too. You cannot on one hand vote for legislators who want to ban firearms and then on the other hand want to own a firearm. I will not be a party to providing services to those who want me out of business by the actions of their vote.
Recently, a subhuman emailed me to park some shotgun parts for a Mossberg 500. It said that it did not understand my web site. I asked some simple questions to make sure that the prospective customer only sent carbon steel for parkerizing. The subhuman then had a tissy fit and told me that if I did not know enough about the 500 then it did not want me working on it. Well, I suspected that the 500 receiver was made from Aluminum and I was right, that's why I ask such questions. This got me thinking about the subhumans vocabulary and insulting nature so I looked it up on the internet and found out that it was a registered democrat in Orlando Florida. I then told it that I now understand why it can't understand... it's a damn thieving democrat!
After many more back and forths, it went on about how it may have been a bit rash or harsh until finally, after I kept calling it a thieving democrat, it finally gave up and admitted to it. My final email from it is below. Please, if you are a communist, socialist, democrat, thief, find a communist, socialist, democrat, thief to work on your shitty firearm!
I can't be more clear then my web site, I will NOT knowingly work with those who vote to take our freedoms! This sort of creature also brings other problems to the table, they are rude, evil, not able to be pleased, self loathing, and generally are just not good to be around.
01-28-2018, 02:33 PM
Funny how the pot is always calling the kettle black. Isn’t it Rush that says the #1 strategy of the DNC is to blame others for what they are indeed doing?
01-28-2018, 02:36 PM
A Democrat? From Florida? Opens mouth and sounds really ignorant? Yeah, think I know who you are talking about.........
Bob W
01-28-2018, 04:19 PM
Well. As my Grandpa always said....."What can you expect from a pig but a grunt?" Doesn't take them long to show their true colors.
Thanks for having some ethics Tim.
01-28-2018, 09:56 PM
It's not that I don't prefer democrat's, it's that I don't even consider them human.
Punch The Clown
01-29-2018, 10:26 AM
Let's not forget this genius.
Bob W
01-29-2018, 06:06 PM
Stu- That's Hilarious- maybe we could strategically distribute our personnel and equipment around the perimeter to keep the "island" (a submerged mountain) from "tipping over" when it becomes unbalanced. This guy thinks it's made of floating cork like his brain.
That's too good, don't know how I missed that one. LMFAO Thanks. Just beyond pathetic how they ever get elected.
01-29-2018, 06:18 PM
Let's not forget this genius.
People voted for him. How smart are they?
02-02-2018, 09:58 AM
Nice email response that person gave to you. Yep, when you got nothing always pull out the racist card.
02-02-2018, 11:34 AM
Nice email response that person gave to you. Yep, when you got nothing always pull out the racist card.
They are vile beasts. I know full well that most folks couldn't take my approach to not doing business with them. In my line of work it is far easier when 60% of your clientele are NOT libtards.
02-07-2018, 06:08 PM
It would be an interesting case if someone brought suit against a gunsmith for not performing service for reasons as Tim lays out, although I agree with all my heart. But if a baker can be sued by homos for not baking a cake, and the law says that business owners must provide service for all.....well......I wonder how it would play out?
02-07-2018, 06:43 PM
It would be an interesting case if someone brought suit against a gunsmith for not performing service for reasons as Tim lays out, although I agree with all my heart. But if a baker can be sued by homos for not baking a cake, and the law says that business owners must provide service for all.....well......I wonder how it would play out?
1. democrats aren't people
2. democrats are not a protected class
3. libtards have already posted in their places of business, odd because how could they have a business, not wanting to serve Republicans.
4. It would be interesting
02-07-2018, 06:51 PM
It would be an interesting case if someone brought suit against a gunsmith for not performing service for reasons as Tim lays out, although I agree with all my heart. But if a baker can be sued by homos for not baking a cake, and the law says that business owners must provide service for all.....well......I wonder how it would play out?
Yeah, at first the same thought crossed my mind. But then I realized that since much of the Democratic ideology revolves around being anti-gun would it not seem strange that one of their own was filing suit to force a business to BUILD A GUN? It would be counter to everything most Dem-Libs stand for and in a way would be backing 2nd amendment rights. Man it would be priceless. 24/7/365 of Shuff being interviewed---LMAO---Priceless!
02-07-2018, 07:35 PM
Yeah, at first the same thought crossed my mind. But then I realized that since much of the Democratic ideology revolves around being anti-gun would it not seem strange that one of their own was filing suit to force a business to BUILD A GUN? It would be counter to everything most Dem-Libs stand for and in a way would be backing 2nd amendment rights. Man it would be priceless. 24/7/365 of Shuff being interviewed---LMAO---Priceless!
The only thought that crossed my mind was the amazing amount of new business I'd have. Boy the interviews would be fun!
02-07-2018, 07:52 PM
I think I'm fine. As I thought, political affiliation is not protected except by SOME local laws.
One more thing. If any government were to pass a law making political affiliation a protected class and say you must do business with that class, how about me?! Ebay won't let me sell guns on their site, they are refusing service. Facebook won't let me sell guns or even post guns I have for sale on my site. Google won't let me put in ads for firearms in their ad program. I have been refused service over and over again by democrats everywhere. I would welcome this battle.
02-07-2018, 08:02 PM
If anything like this were ever to come to trial, the perps stance would certainly come out during cross examination.
Given their mindset, I can imagine how the questioning would go.........
" Isn't it true that you are an anti-gun advocate?"......"Well, yes"
"And isn;t it true that you wanted Mr. ____ to perform gunsmithing work for you?"......"Well, yes."
"Why in the world would an anti-gun advocate want to own a gun?"......"well, I need for self defense"
"SELF DEFENSE?!"........."Well, yes. Doesn't everyone have the right to self defense?"
"But you are anti gun"........."Well, yes"
"And you own a gun?"......"well, yes"
"But you don;t think that others should own guns nor promote their ownership or use?"......."Well, yes"
"And you are suing Mr. ______ for not performing work on your gun because he disagrees with
your views and your advocation that he be put out of business?"........."Well, yes"
"If you put all of the gun smiths out of business, then who would perform the work on ther gun that you
own that you have just stated that others should not be able to own nor use?"............."Well........I don't want to put them out of business."
"Isn;t that what you just testified to?"..................."Well, yes. But that isn;t what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"................................."Well...........Only the pro-gun gun smiths should be put out of business"
02-07-2018, 08:04 PM
If anything like this were ever to come to trial, the perps stance would certainly come out during cross examination.
Given their mindset, I can imagine how the questioning would go.........
" Isn't it true that you are an anti-gun advocate?"......"Well, yes"
"And isn;t it true that you wanted Mr. ____ to perform gunsmithing work for you?"......"Well, yes."
"Why in the world would an anti-gun advocate want to own a gun?"......"well, I need for self defense"
"SELF DEFENSE?!"........."Well, yes. Doesn't everyone have the right to self defense?"
"But you are anti gun"........."Well, yes"
"And you own a gun?"......"well, yes"
"But you don;t think that others should own guns nor promote their ownership or use?"......."Well, yes"
"And you are suing Mr. ______ for not performing work on your gun because he disagrees with
your views and your advocation that he be put out of business?"........."Well, yes"
"If you put all of the gun smiths out of business, then who would perform the work on ther gun that you
own that you have just stated that others should not be able to own nor use?"............."Well........I don't want to put them out of business."
"Isn;t that what you just testified to?"..................."Well, yes. But that isn;t what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"................................."Well...........Only the pro-gun gun smiths should be put out of business"
Now that's damn funny!
02-07-2018, 10:27 PM
If anything like this were ever to come to trial, the perps stance would certainly come out during cross examination.
Given their mindset, I can imagine how the questioning would go.........
" Isn't it true that you are an anti-gun advocate?"......"Well, yes"
"And isn;t it true that you wanted Mr. ____ to perform gunsmithing work for you?"......"Well, yes."
"Why in the world would an anti-gun advocate want to own a gun?"......"well, I need for self defense"
"SELF DEFENSE?!"........."Well, yes. Doesn't everyone have the right to self defense?"
"But you are anti gun"........."Well, yes"
"And you own a gun?"......"well, yes"
"But you don;t think that others should own guns nor promote their ownership or use?"......."Well, yes"
"And you are suing Mr. ______ for not performing work on your gun because he disagrees with
your views and your advocation that he be put out of business?"........."Well, yes"
"If you put all of the gun smiths out of business, then who would perform the work on ther gun that you
own that you have just stated that others should not be able to own nor use?"............."Well........I don't want to put them out of business."
"Isn;t that what you just testified to?"..................."Well, yes. But that isn;t what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"................................."Well...........Only the pro-gun gun smiths should be put out of business"
You assume a logical argument can be had with one of these things.
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