View Full Version : A Trip Down Memory Lane

Punch The Clown
03-05-2018, 11:39 AM
Ahh, The good old days! rolling blunder really loves me. He just has a hard time showing it.


Bob W
03-05-2018, 05:30 PM
I suppose "degenerate" was too many letters (or syllables) for the imbecile to employ. I feel in your case Stu, that may have been what he intended to say. You are neither abandoned, negligent nor remiss. Simply depraved.
Certainly it wasn't familiar with "side effect, offshoot" or "intermittent, occasional or recurring" and needed to invent hyphenated equivalents.
And a smiley.....cute.

03-05-2018, 08:10 PM
Rolling Blunder, one of Sean's favorite POS to wife savage.

03-15-2018, 12:19 PM
I thought it was "Trolling Blunder". Hey Stu, what ever happened to your infamous "reach around"? Curious minds want to know.