View Full Version : Value Range of 3.7 mil SA M1, Rebuild: SA 1-64 ???

03-16-2018, 01:08 PM
I'm going to sell a couple of rifles to help fund another project. One is probably going to be an SA 3.7xx,xxx, which has an electro pencil rebuild marking on the right receiver leg of "S A 1-64". The walnut stock (CMP) is much nicer than average, with very nice grain and finish (at least compared to many of the CMP stocks). In total if someone ordered a service grade from CMP and received this, I believe he would be very pleased. Since I don't know the history on the rifle, I do not know what "grade" it received from CMP when first sold . . . but at least service grade.

I know some people specifically collect the different arsenal rebuilds and may value one marked as such more highly than another person who just wants a nice rifle to shoot.


(1) What value range would you expect this rifle to have?

(2) What additional information (if any) would be relevant / needed to more accurately estimate a proper value range? [/INDENT]




03-16-2018, 01:30 PM
Picture links should now work.


03-17-2018, 03:15 PM
It would be valued as a standard service grade, so in the $750 range.

03-17-2018, 06:25 PM
1960's rebuilds have become collectable. If the barrel is in Service Grade range and if it had the stock and hand gaurds that were on it from the rebuild it would easily be in the $1000-$1100 range
Since it has a commercial stock it looses some of its collectability and value. If its Service Grade condition I see them sell for $900 everyday
Would I pay that ? No but many would
Take good detailed pictures all of the internals and list it on the CMP forum