View Full Version : These Few Words Say It All
Punch The Clown
03-31-2018, 08:14 AM
A few words from the Governor of Vermont's statement about their new gun laws is really a road map in a way. Vermont folk are used to being free and are not huge fans of regulations. When I read the Governors words I thought to myself that he captured the whole plan in one sentence. We are finished.
"It doesn't take away guns, and I believe that we will get accustomed to the new normal"
This is exactly how they demonized cigarettes and smoking......slowly and steadily.
What I think will happen is a super high tax or surcharge on guns and ammo.
The libs will say..."We are not stopping you from buying just can't afford them to buy them".
Jimbo Slice
03-31-2018, 08:50 AM
Rolling over and playing dead is never a solution. Vote the bums out.
A few words from the Governor of Vermont's statement about their new gun laws is really a road map in a way. Vermont folk are used to being free and are not huge fans of regulations. When I read the Governors words I thought to myself that he captured the whole plan in one sentence. We are finished.
"It doesn't take away guns, and I believe that we will get accustomed to the new normal"
Wow. I don't know anything about him other than what is posted above (and that being elected by the traditionally free people of Vermont), but just based on the above, we ought to consider him for president some day.
Punch The Clown
03-31-2018, 11:28 AM
He is a Republican who just a few weeks ago re-affirmed his pro gun stance. After the florida shooting he changed his stance and gladly signed Vermont's first gun control legislation into law. But don't worry, we'll get used to it. I guess gun control is like a new pair of shoes. You have to break them in a little before they get comfortable. Jak is on point with the cigarette analogy. It took 20 years but cigarettes are pretty much going the way of the Dodo. obama lied. Elections do not have consequences.
Public Enemy #1
Public Enemy #2
I guess i misunderstood the quote by 180 degrees. I thought it meant a gun control law was pushed through which he disagree with, not one which he apparently thought didn't go far enough? If that is the case, he is just like so many others to jump on the band wagon of feel good legislation which accomplishes nothing more than infringement.
03-31-2018, 01:21 PM
Wow. I don't know anything about him other than what is posted above (and that being elected by the traditionally free people of Vermont), but just based on the above, we ought to consider him for president some day.
"traditionally free people of Vermont"----Keep in mind the "free" people of Vermont have been voting for Bernie Sanders since 1968.........
But WAIT! There's more! Only thing I can say is WTF Vermont----What the hell is in the maple syrup?
"13-year-old running for Vermont governor highlights gun control in platform"
"Ethan emphasized that he is respectful of the state’s prominent hunting culture."
“It's a culture that I respect," he said. "But if it's making the decision between letting my friends have a good time at a firing range and them possibly being involved in a school shooting, I'm choosing legislation to protect them from that school shooting."
Gheez, that's really nice of Ethan.
Punch The Clown
03-31-2018, 01:49 PM
Greg, I have family in Vermont. About 30 or so years ago new yorkers, connecticutians? and massachusettsians? seemed to start migrating there because it really was a nice place. Hey, the General opened a ski lodge there when he retired :) True to form these immigrants starting politiforming the place as they couldn't cope with all the freedom. Where did sanders come from? brooklyn, n.y.
Punch The Clown
03-31-2018, 01:53 PM
Look at the pictures of Public Enemy #1. Tell me he doesn't look like he belongs in the hitler youth or something? Ever see him speak? He thrusts his hand in the air with a clenched fist and the crowd goes wild. Very hitleresque.
Public Enemy #2 is just an angry lesbian whose grandparents escaped the castro regieme. I'm sure they're proud of her.
03-31-2018, 02:43 PM
Greg, I have family in Vermont. About 30 or so years ago new yorkers, connecticutians? and massachusettsians? seemed to start migrating there because it really was a nice place. Hey, the General opened a ski lodge there when he retired :) True to form these immigrants starting politiforming the place as they couldn't cope with all the freedom. Where did sanders come from? brooklyn, n.y.
It seems the "transplant" thing goes on just about everywhere. Saw it happen when we lived in New Mexico. A bazillion acres of BLM land to use however you wanted just as long as you didn't mess with Nat'l gas rigs and equipment. "THEY" came from the EAST and pressured the BLM to block access roads. "THEY" wanted coyote hunts banned. And so forth and so on. Seems like that's just how it all works until they change shit enough so they create the same bad issues they fled from but by that time it's too late to do a reset.
Glad I'm old and won't have to deal with 13 year old Governors.
It seems the "transplant" thing goes on just about everywhere.
It's happening in North Texas also. I walked into my office a few weeks ago with a rifle case and computer bag (wearing suit and tie, etc.). 5 minutes later building management comes in with security saying someone reported a man entered with a rifle, then proceeded to tell me that the building was a "weapons free" location (I'm not sure what that even means). I was polite, and responded that I wasn't sure exactly what they were talking about, but that if that had occurred it would be rectified in the next few minutes. They then left.
It's certainly the right of a private property owner to establish his own policies for his property. I have no problem with that. But for someone in this part of Texas to get excited about that situation? Absurd for where we are. (And this is not a big building, high rise, etc.). Every other office I've been here there has been no issue. Oh well, I guess it's something else to "get used to".
03-31-2018, 07:19 PM
Look at the pictures of Public Enemy #1. Tell me he doesn't look like he belongs in the hitler youth or something? Ever see him speak? He thrusts his hand in the air with a clenched fist and the crowd goes wild. Very hitleresque.
Public Enemy #2 is just an angry lesbian whose grandparents escaped the castro regieme. I'm sure they're proud of her.
Well might just be on to something.........
03-31-2018, 08:15 PM
Yes I really am!
Jimbo Slice
03-31-2018, 09:57 PM
Public enemy number one isn't the alien looking Hitler kid or it's skinhead lesbian cohort... Public enemy number one is the cabal controlled media that foist this bullshit on the dimwitted masses.
Public enemy number two is the dimwitted masses.
05-28-2018, 02:33 PM
Hey Punch,
Maybe one of your infamous "Reach Around's" would straighten them up.
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