View Full Version : Give A Man A Fish Or Teach Him How?

Punch The Clown
06-22-2018, 10:24 AM
I can only speak of my observations growing up here in new york. At the end of WWII thousands of GI's returned to a city that over a four year period learned to live without them. Starting new families were put on hold as were careers and there was an instant scramble to get things going again. This four year backlog of folks looking to start their own families put a strain on the housing market. Who takes over? Your friends at the government and entrepeneurs. Army barracks were converted to small housing units, and the govt erected multi dwellings all over the place. The concept was you lived in a low rent building until you got back on your feet and bought your own house and moved out. Well a lot of folks got used to the teat and didn't move. The empty apartments were filled with "low income" folks. Not to pass up an opportunity the democraps catered to these folks and even paid to relocate new "low income" folks from other states necessitating the construction of more "low income" housing. This was the birth of "the projects".
If the govt. left the housing market to Fred Trump, the Le Fraks, Levitt, Waxman, and a few others all of this may not have happened but when the govt takes the place of family and private enterprise you're pretty screwed

06-22-2018, 11:51 AM
If the govt. left the housing market to Fred Trump, the Le Fraks, Levitt, Waxman, and a few others all of this may not have happened but when the govt takes the place of family and private enterprise you're pretty screwed

Well seems to be the story of most all the high population density large cities. "Stack 'em deep and get their votes on the cheap" To this day most politicians have long term goal as to why they do things. If they don't accomplish their scam while in office they make sure that whoever follows gets it done.

This current immigration mess could mean a very high payoff in votes and cheap labor depending on how it turns out. Of course higher wages will suffer but the politicians would rather have the citizens MORE dependent on the gov't-----which you stated quite well.

Maybe that's why Trump is getting under their skin. They can't count on him to continue business as usual. Now not saying he's not setting up his own future goals--only time will tell of course---but it sure is enjoyable watching the apple cart get upset.

Bob W
06-22-2018, 12:14 PM
Give a man only fish-HEADS and maybe he will be willing to LEARN how to fish.
Put away the free cheese, the rats leave.

Bob W
06-22-2018, 12:48 PM

This current immigration mess could mean a very high payoff in votes and cheap labor depending on how it turns out[/QUOTE]

In some States maybe it remains to be seen, But in many like here, already too late. Due to the whores who employed them they were allowed to stay. Due to the fact they have bred like cockroaches they now have the vote. We don't need a wall, we needed to put their heads on pikes at the border about 30 years ago. One every hundred yards or so. Crude but effective.

06-22-2018, 12:57 PM
In some States maybe it remains to be seen, But in many like here, already too late. Due to the whores who employed them they were allowed to stay. Due to the fact they have bred like cockroaches they now have the vote. We don't need a wall, we needed to put their heads on pikes at the border about 30 years ago. One every hundred yards or so. Crude but effective.

As much as I hate to say it..."already too late"----think you right on that count.

Seems like Trump and a small group of far right conservative are the only thing holding up open borders with totally unrestricted immigration. NO rules--let the masses enjoy all that the U.S. has to offer.

One thing for sure is Trump is one tough person. Many would have cracked by now and simply walked away. Kind of a mystery what drives him to continue.

06-22-2018, 03:57 PM
As much as I hate to say it..."already too late"----think you right on that count.

Seems like Trump and a small group of far right conservative are the only thing holding up open borders with totally unrestricted immigration. NO rules--let the masses enjoy all that the U.S. has to offer

One thing for sure is Trump is one tough person. Many would have cracked by now and simply walked away. Kind of a mystery what drives him to continue.

And we are the ones who get to pay for it and there free ride.

Why would anyone want to take the shit he has been dealt ?? Maybe just maybe he really cares about the country and the little guy who's voice has been lost. Time will tell