View Full Version : One man fighting the 9th Circuit without help

Bob W
08-08-2018, 12:46 PM
Link to an article about George Young, a vet who began his 2nd amendment battle in 2008 against Hawaii. It's Reuters, so I have generally found them fairly credible. With the help (pro bono) of a CALIFORNIA lawyer named Alan Beck, he has won a victory (July 24) in the lib 9th circuit which may necessitate a "landmark" Supreme Court ruling. The NRA wouldn't help as they said they were already involved in carry litigation, but they "applaud" the ruling. BFD.

Neither Young nor the lawyer, Beck, appear to have the means for this battle, but Beck is borrowing from his family to continue the fight. I have not researched this fully yet, but I intend to do so, and if I can verify this info
I will of course renew my NRA membership as always, but instead of any extra contributions to NRA/CRPA this year I'm going to find this guy and send a check.

Guy has balls, he started this during a discussion of the Constitution to show his daughter they couldn't take his rights. She died in a car accident and he is carrying on in remembrance of her.


Here's the link to the court opinion- appears valid so far


Bob W
08-08-2018, 02:46 PM
Here's a video link through the Cal-right-to-carry site of the court proceedings.
The first clip (on top) is Beck, setting background on the carry issue and is a little dry but informative.
The second clip (on the bottom) is about 10 minutes of the govt attorney getting his hat handed to him by 2/3 judges.

It is Absolutely worth watching - this clown stuttered and stammered his way through what he thought going in would be a short and easy decision in his favor.
He was fed a Constitutional sh-- sandwich.
I can barely believe the 9th sided with the plaintiff (Young) but it appears his rights were so previously trampled that they had to.

I'm sorry about the lengthy posts guys, but after all the rhetoric we hear this appears to me to possibly have some important ramifications, might make it to the SCOTUS.
Note; The attorney for George Young called me back, and after I filter and verify our conversation I will post more info.

Here's the video link:

Punch The Clown
08-08-2018, 05:43 PM
Bob, I love it. Too bad govt will continue to do whatever they want despite court rulings.

08-17-2018, 08:50 PM
Young's attorney is a frequent guest on one of the firearms forums I subscribe to. He's reporting that as of 16 August, Hawaii has decided not only to request an en banc hearing in the 9th Circuit, but to bring in a new "big name" attorney to plead their case. He was the Solicitor General for the Justice Department under the, um, prior administration. I'm not sure that will matter any, though. 9th Circuit is still very anti as a whole, so if the Circuit votes to allow en banc, it's a foregone conclusion that they will over turn the panel decision. Which will leave a huge circuit split with DC Circuit, and therefore a good shot at cert at SCOTUS once Justice Kavanaugh takes his seat.

Bob W
08-29-2018, 03:54 PM
Now we wait until Sep 14th. I saw in the filing Hawaii indeed added two new lawyers.
I spoke with Alan Beck after I tracked him down, he feels very genuine. Interesting guy. He was a USMC Tanker. Became a constitutional lawyer about eight years ago.Took this case because Mr. Young's due process had been denied. Has been moving it along at their own expense, receiving little help, none from NRA or anyone else who I would have expected to step in. He said there's a funding site to be set up through LaRue soon.
I'm not soliciting, but I sent him a donation. Felt more personal than some other organizations. I always like a David v. Goliath story, and this guy is really working hard.
If you want info he is [email protected]