View Full Version : Anybody still support Trump?
10-05-2019, 08:37 PM
I voted for him enthusiastically in 2016. Bought his "Im for the Second Amendment" campaign platform completely. He came across really sincere and genuine during his campaign in 2016 and he was a relief to obama or hillary on the Second Amendment.
Then in early 2018, Trump went total RINO on the country. After the Parkland shooting, he started supporting gun control publicly. WTF?????
Im not voting for Trump a second time in 2020. I am also not voting commiecrat either. Tired of these RINOs pretending to be conservatives or GOP.
Anyone else written Trump off? I cant stand him, he's a voter backstabber.
10-05-2019, 10:01 PM
I’ll vote for the lesser of two evils. My portfolio has done well with Trump in office. Don’t be shocked if Hillary re-enters the race in the 11th hour. Or runs on a ticket with Elizabeth Warren as her vise president. Then Warren will get suicided and Hillary becomes president. Go ahead and laugh, I don’t put anything past any of them.
Punch The Clown
10-06-2019, 12:30 AM
Trump is trying to lock up the woman's vote by pandering to their emotions about school shootings. Women should not be allowed to vote.
Trump is trying to lock up the woman's vote by pandering to their emotions about school shootings. Women should not be allowed to vote.
I can't help but ask, do the females in your life share that opinion?
Punch The Clown
10-06-2019, 10:26 AM
I can't help but ask, do the females in your life share that opinion?
Not in my immediate circle, no. Hey Eli, I forgot to wish you שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה
Not in my immediate circle, no. Hey Eli, I forgot to wish you שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה
You too!
Not too surprising the ladies close to you don't share your views, most women want to vote - problem is too many vote emotionally not logically, so we end up with 2-term Democommunist Presidents.
Whether your belief set / vision for the country is conservative or libertarian, or if it's liberal or progressive, the presidency is all about appointing federal court judges.
Between now and then end of the next presidential term it is not hard to imagine at least one Supreme Court vacancy that will be filled, possibly 2 or 3. If you have liberal / progressive beliefs, it will not matter who the Democrat nominee is, you vote for that person (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). If you have conservative / libertarian beliefs, you vote for the Republican nominee (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). Not voting is merely contributing a 1/2 vote to the world view that you oppose. Why would you do that?
Punch The Clown
10-06-2019, 09:31 PM
You too!
Not too surprising the ladies close to you don't share your views, most women want to vote - problem is too many vote emotionally not logically, so we end up with 2-term Democommunist Presidents.
Eli, my wife and my daughters are nice and conservative. I raised them well. Although they insist on voting at least they vote the right way.
Punch The Clown
10-06-2019, 09:32 PM
Whether your belief set / vision for the country is conservative or libertarian, or if it's liberal or progressive, the presidency is all about appointing federal court judges.
Between now and then end of the next presidential term it is not hard to imagine at least one Supreme Court vacancy that will be filled, possibly 2 or 3. If you have liberal / progressive beliefs, it will not matter who the Democrat nominee is, you vote for that person (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). If you have conservative / libertarian beliefs, you vote for the Republican nominee (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). Not voting is merely contributing a 1/2 vote to the world view that you oppose. Why would you do that?
JGW, That was my argument with the never-trumpers.
10-06-2019, 11:02 PM
There is no doubt which direction the Dem-Libs seek to take the United States and that direction, globalism, open borders, and socialism is not in my best interest. Because of that, at this time I can not vote Democrat.
10-07-2019, 12:38 AM
Trump is trying to lock up the woman's vote by pandering to their emotions about school shootings. Women should not be allowed to vote.
I have thought the same. At the same time, look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with in recent times. AG William Barr...notorious pro-gun control AG from old man Bush's Presidency in the early nineties. Barr ran the Ruby Ridge screwup and Barr has openly advocated gun control, including red flag laws.
I dont know man, I have real bad vibes about Trump for a second term. Maybe the Senate would keep him inline in a second term or maybe not. I just know Im tired of voting for RINOs.
10-07-2019, 12:41 AM
Whether your belief set / vision for the country is conservative or libertarian, or if it's liberal or progressive, the presidency is all about appointing federal court judges.
Between now and then end of the next presidential term it is not hard to imagine at least one Supreme Court vacancy that will be filled, possibly 2 or 3. If you have liberal / progressive beliefs, it will not matter who the Democrat nominee is, you vote for that person (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). If you have conservative / libertarian beliefs, you vote for the Republican nominee (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). Not voting is merely contributing a 1/2 vote to the world view that you oppose. Why would you do that?
Thats the ONLY reason I would re-consider voting for Trump in 2020. Federal Appellate Court Judge nominations come from the Executive branch and are confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Yeah, if the U.S. Supreme Court could get loaded down with pro 2A Justices, hell who knows maybe the entire Brady Act could be rolled back and we could go back to the way it used to be. No NICS, minimal gun control and just start working backwards from there. No Brady Act sure would make gun business easier and less stressful, on both the buyer and the supplier side. It would also just make life less stressful for gun culture people.
Bob W
10-07-2019, 03:02 PM
Don’t be shocked if Hillary re-enters the race in the 11th hour. Or runs on a ticket with Elizabeth Warren as her vise president.
Did you hear Clunton say the Syrian withdrawal would be a "sickening betrayal of allies"? Guess she forgot about Benghazi already- a "sickening betrayal" of U.S. personnel.
10-07-2019, 07:49 PM
I can't help but ask, do the females in your life share that opinion?
My wife agrees with this.
10-07-2019, 09:11 PM
IÂ’ll vote for the lesser of two evils. My portfolio has done well with Trump in office. DonÂ’t be shocked if Hillary re-enters the race in the 11th hour. Or runs on a ticket with Elizabeth Warren as her vise president. Then Warren will get suicided and Hillary becomes president. Go ahead and laugh, I donÂ’t put anything past any of them.
More than one site is guessing that HRC will run. Which most certainly will truly get interesting. What with all the crap that went on with just marginal violence during the 2016 run it might get pretty wild if the old hag runs. Heck....this might make her the greatest AR15 salesperson of all time moving Obama to second place.
We are living in very amazing times.
10-13-2019, 10:29 PM
I have every intention of voting for Mr. Trump again. Mostly for the federal court judges he could and would select. It's time we got the middle of the road and the leftist judges out of the federal court houses. Everything else is just fluff.
10-14-2019, 06:18 AM
"Anybody still support Trump?" Yes, they're called 'Americans'.
Ordmm - I agree with you . . . . but POTUS is making it really hard to be enthusiastic about campaigning for him. I years past I have actively campaigned for my preferred candidates. Given how important I believe having a "conservative" as President is to the future of our Republic, it should be easy to actively capaign / work for a Trump / "conservative" election. . . . . . . But President Trump sure is making it tough to actively campaign for him. It would be so much easier to do so it he just gave up twitter / his cell phone!!!
10-16-2019, 12:00 AM
Trump definitely is not nearly as pro-2A as he made out he was while campaigning in 2016. When Trump was campaigning in 2016 and also during his first six months or so after his inaugeration in early 2017, Trump's rhetoric and the vibes he gave off were: "The attack on the 2A is over. Done. Finnito. I am here now. Stop worrying about political attacks on the 2A as long as I am in the White House."
But less than two years after his inaugeration, his true colors started coming out. Just sitting next to people like Feinstein after that Parkland shooting was enough for me. I would not sit in the same room as that woman. When he signed "Fix NICS of 2018" in early 2018, I was like, "if this guy will sign a gun control bill in his first term, just think what he'd be willing to sign as a lame duck President in his last two years." No telling what he'd sign off on.
Im sorry, I cant bring myself to vote for Trump again. I understand the reasoning that Trump will be appointing another Supreme Court Justice (or two) in a second term. As well as appointing more Federal Appeals Court Judges. Im down with that. The Senate wont confirm any liberal or RINO Federal Appeals Court Justices Trump might appoint. But the legislation Trump might be willing to sign off on in a second term...I cant see voting for a RINO who is in reality, lukewarm on 2A issues except for himself, his two Sons and his family.
My strategy is to write in for President, vote straight GOP for all Senators and Congressman running. Its the legislature that calls all the real shots anyway. They have power of the purse, they confirm appointed federal Judges, the founders intended for the legislature to be the "big hitter" of the three branches of our government, not the Executive branch. Look how the GOP controlled legislature blocked and tackled every single gun control attempt by obama during obama's second term. Not one piece of gun control legislature was passed in obama's second term, it was because of a stalwart GOP controlled legislature. It frustrated the hell out of obama, you could tell. The only thing obama got thru in his second term was a few executive orders and actions, thats it. And Congress reversed the worst one as soon as Trump was inaugerated in early 2017. The Social Security Disability Executive Action obama passed, it got reversed by Congress early 2017.
Trump lied while campaigning to get elected...
Ordmm - I agree with you . . . . but POTUS is making it really hard to be enthusiastic about campaigning for him. I years past I have actively campaigned for my preferred candidates. Given how important I believe having a "conservative" as President is to the future of our Republic, it should be easy to actively capaign / work for a Trump / "conservative" election. . . . . . . But President Trump sure is making it tough to actively campaign for him. It would be so much easier to do so it he just gave up twitter / his cell phone!!!
10-16-2019, 12:03 AM
Hillary wont run again. She's done.
More than one site is guessing that HRC will run. Which most certainly will truly get interesting. What with all the crap that went on with just marginal violence during the 2016 run it might get pretty wild if the old hag runs. Heck....this might make her the greatest AR15 salesperson of all time moving Obama to second place.
We are living in very amazing times.
Interestingly, the polling and survey Company, Moody analytics, is at this time projecting a decisive Trump victory in the next election. And Moody analytics has been the most accurate polling and survey group, calling correctly each election back to 1974 (except for 2016).
And after the 2016 election, they tweaked their computer models to account for the recent change in voter turnout, and it's with those tweaks at their current model projects Trump as the winner.
Im sorry, I cant bring myself to vote for Trump again.
Trump lied while campaigning to get elected..
The dnc and liberals thank you for not voting for Trump. they appreciate your support.
Really...............????? please tell us one candidate who didn't lie during his or her campaign.
10-16-2019, 06:33 PM
Trump definitely is not nearly as pro-2A as he made out he was while campaigning in 2016. When Trump was campaigning in 2016 and also during his first six months or so after his inaugeration in early 2017, Trump's rhetoric and the vibes he gave off were: "The attack on the 2A is over. Done. Finnito. I am here now. Stop worrying about political attacks on the 2A as long as I am in the White House."
But less than two years after his inaugeration, his true colors started coming out. Just sitting next to people like Feinstein after that Parkland shooting was enough for me. I would not sit in the same room as that woman. When he signed "Fix NICS of 2018" in early 2018, I was like, "if this guy will sign a gun control bill in his first term, just think what he'd be willing to sign as a lame duck President in his last two years." No telling what he'd sign off on.
Im sorry, I cant bring myself to vote for Trump again. I understand the reasoning that Trump will be appointing another Supreme Court Justice (or two) in a second term. As well as appointing more Federal Appeals Court Judges. Im down with that. The Senate wont confirm any liberal or RINO Federal Appeals Court Justices Trump might appoint. But the legislation Trump might be willing to sign off on in a second term...I cant see voting for a RINO who is in reality, lukewarm on 2A issues except for himself, his two Sons and his family.
My strategy is to write in for President, vote straight GOP for all Senators and Congressman running. Its the legislature that calls all the real shots anyway. They have power of the purse, they confirm appointed federal Judges, the founders intended for the legislature to be the "big hitter" of the three branches of our government, not the Executive branch. Look how the GOP controlled legislature blocked and tackled every single gun control attempt by obama during obama's second term. Not one piece of gun control legislature was passed in obama's second term, it was because of a stalwart GOP controlled legislature. It frustrated the hell out of obama, you could tell. The only thing obama got thru in his second term was a few executive orders and actions, thats it. And Congress reversed the worst one as soon as Trump was inaugerated in early 2017. The Social Security Disability Executive Action obama passed, it got reversed by Congress early 2017.
Trump lied while campaigning to get elected...
"lied while campaigning to get elected" Sweet Baby Jesus....A politician lied. I was on the fence on whether or not I should respect you views but then I saw this.......""All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.""
At this point your obviously a gun control advocate because that is what essentially are doing regarding M1 Rifles.
So taking all factors into account. With all due respect---Go Pound.
10-16-2019, 08:56 PM
If you are looking for a non-liar to listen to don’t pay attention to politics.
10-17-2019, 12:02 AM
Listen man, my real political views are not printable. If I posted them, I'd be in jail. But Trump does not represent me and the dnc and liberals sure as hell dont trust me.
But least I dont lie about my views. I plead the fif.
The dnc and liberals thank you for not voting for Trump. they appreciate your support.
Really...............????? please tell us one candidate who didn't lie during his or her campaign.
10-17-2019, 12:05 AM
Um, OK candycanes
If you are looking for a non-liar to listen to don’t pay attention to politics.
Trump is a moderate, not a right-winger. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll accept voting for him in '20.
10-17-2019, 08:29 AM
Um, OK candycanes
Are you trying to say there are no liars in politics? All I said was if you don’t like being lied to, don’t listen.
Bob W
10-17-2019, 06:52 PM
Are you trying to say there are no liars in politics?
Seven, You got that right! Reminds me of a saying my Grandfather had when he was talking to my two Uncles- He'd say...."First liar don't stand a chance around here"
10-17-2019, 08:01 PM
I'd say thats a pretty accurate description of the real Trump. The problem is how bombastic he came over while campaigning for POTUS in 2016 and his convincing "unconditional support" for the Second Amendment. His actions and his words since early 2018 have proven Trump is does not have unconditional support for the 2A.
I dont even know if I'd describe Trump as a moderate to be frank. I see him clearly as a RINO. Im just concerned if re-elected in 2020, yeah he will probably replace that witch Justice Ginsberg with someone conservative. Yet I am suspicious he will be willing to sign off on no telling what kind of gun control in a second term, at the same time.
Trump is a moderate, not a right-winger. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll accept voting for him in '20.
10-17-2019, 08:29 PM
Well, try to communicate more effectively then.
No, I am not trying to say there are no liars in politics. It has been long demonstrated that liars abound in politics going back to infinity. The problem is, there are some things you just dont lie about. You just dont do certain things and when you do them, you get zapped. For politicians, one thing they sometimes do or talk about doing is screw around with the United States Constitution. Thats something they are not supposed to tell lies about, its bad form and bad juju for a politician. When and if they do, they can get zapped.
When Trump campaigns hard like he did on support for the 2A in 2016 and I vote for him. And then he demonstrates by actions and words that he is at most a lukewarm supporter of the Second Amendment, thats more than lying. Thats something else. Hence I have the right to call him on it and not vote repeatedly for Trump. I abhore "incremental gun control." Others call it "death of a thousand cuts." I have some other names for it that are legal descriptions Im not going into. Nikita Kruschev pounded his shoe on his podium in the early sixties while exclaiming into his podium, "we will bury you." Kruschev also claimed the USA would be destroyed from the inside, from internal political changes brought about by American voters and American politicians. I am seeing this sort of thing and dont care for it.
As for saying "just dont listen if you dont like being lied to," thats a simpleton thing to tell me. Its also smartass sounding, but coming from you I take everything you say with a huge grain of salt. Its just not realistic for me to "just not listen." Im a political person, my impression of you is you are bored by politics beyond a surface level political interest. Nothing wrong with that. Thats you, it takes all kinds. You dont come over as an academic type to me.
My impression of you is you are a sports fan and like working with your hands and have some IT skills and you have some rebellious tendencies...its probably best the military turned you down way back...for whatever reason. Admin, medical such as you had a concussion or two from ice hockey, flunked a drug test at MEPS, admitted you smoked weed while during standardized questioning at MEPS, had minor youthful incidents with the law, whatever it was.
Either way, on a different and friendlier note, I congratulate you on earning more leg points and being close to becoming a Distinguished Rifleman. That is quite an accomplishment that Im confident you will achieve relatively soon. It appears the rules change regarding to optics is helping middle age guys make Distinguished a bit easier. Since the U.S. military has gone to low power optics as standardized, I think its important a Distinguished Rifleman be competent with low power optics such as the CMP changed things to.
Best Wishes,
Are you trying to say there are no liars in politics? All I said was if you don’t like being lied to, don’t listen.
10-18-2019, 12:02 PM
Well, try to communicate more effectively then.
Edited down to this gem:
As for saying "just dont listen if you dont like being lied to," thats a simpleton thing to tell me. Its also smartass sounding, but coming from you I take everything you say with a huge grain of salt. Its just not realistic for me to "just not listen." Im a political person, my impression of you is you are bored by politics beyond a surface level political interest. Nothing wrong with that. Thats you, it takes all kinds. You dont come over as an academic type to me.
My impression of you is you are a sports fan and like working with your hands and have some IT skills and you have some rebellious tendencies...its probably best the military turned you down way back...for whatever reason. Admin, medical such as you had a concussion or two from ice hockey, flunked a drug test at MEPS, admitted you smoked weed while during standardized questioning at MEPS, had minor youthful incidents with the law, whatever it was.
Best Wishes,
Tyrone,,,,,Just have to ask due to the condescending tone of your post. What is/was your occupation? And do you live in a primarily Democrat state by chance?
Obvious military and am guessing some kind of officer rank?
10-18-2019, 05:15 PM
As far as my occupation and where I live, thats none of your business. I have Fourth Amendment rights to privacy, you posting here you should be aware of people's Fourth Amendment rights to privacy. When was the last time you read a copy of the United States Constitution??? I will say I do not live in a democrat state and I do not vote democrat, however.
As for any military duty in my past, once again thats none of your business but I will be nice here and answer your question.
I am not in the military and am not a Commissioned Officer. I have no military "status."
Tyrone,,,,,Just have to ask due to the condescending tone of your post. What is/was your occupation? And do you live in a primarily Democrat state by chance?
Obvious military and am guessing some kind of officer rank?
10-18-2019, 06:11 PM
How about those Astro’s?
Bob W
10-18-2019, 06:29 PM
I really commend you gentlemen in your support of the First Amendment. Allowing anyone to speak their mind, even when they appear to be attempting to incite simply for the negative energy received, as in a pretentious child.
I have seen people try and try again to be civil, offering technical advice etc. even when the hand that feeds is bitten. You are a patient lot.
How about those Cowboys . . . . or Redskins . . .. or 'Niners . . . or . . . .
One of the greatest things about this forum is that the VAST majority of members and contributors and "posters" are good people, perhaps with different backgounds and beliefs, . . . but good people.
And then there is the occasional Troll. It is disappointing when a member of this forum becomes a Troll. But . . . no place / no forum is perfect. Perhaps if we stop responding the Troll will go some other place?
Bob W
10-18-2019, 09:46 PM
Perhaps if we stop responding the Troll will go some other place?
It has in the past. It seems to pop up about once every year or two. But to once again quote my simple but wise Grandfather- "What can you expect from a pig except a grunt?"
Bob - I think your grandfather and my grandfather must have been friends!
10-19-2019, 10:18 PM
Hi Bob W,
Going by your tone, I have to assume you have a military background and are perhaps a military officer or an ex military officer. May I ask what state you live in and what occupation you are in or were in? Also, what service were you in, what rate or MOS did you have and what rank? What years were you in? What was your boot size in basic training and did you run in boon dockers? What kind of PT test did you take? Did you sneak outside of the base at night to go to the YMCA and play bingo? Just curious man, thanks for your service.
I really commend you gentlemen in your support of the First Amendment. Allowing anyone to speak their mind, even when they appear to be attempting to incite simply for the negative energy received, as in a pretentious child.
I have seen people try and try again to be civil, offering technical advice etc. even when the hand that feeds is bitten. You are a patient lot.
10-20-2019, 06:25 AM
Hi Bob W,
Going by your tone, I have to assume you have a military background and are perhaps a military officer or an ex military officer. May I ask what state you live in and what occupation you are in or were in? Also, what service were you in, what rate or MOS did you have and what rank? What years were you in? What was your boot size in basic training and did you run in boon dockers? What kind of PT test did you take? Did you sneak outside of the base at night to go to the YMCA and play bingo? Just curious man, thanks for your service.
How about those Astros?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold to any buyer who has got the money to buy them. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should be at reduced cost and 1,000 rounds of ammo included at no extra charge to promote marksmanship. If you want to buy M1s you certainly may buy as many as you want and hopefully part them out so more receivers are available to make cool mag fed BM59 or BM14 rifles. "Buy 'em cheap and stack 'em deep I always say!
Bob W
10-20-2019, 01:45 PM
Quoted from a similar thread a year or so ago, but perhaps still applicable.......
"I don't know why (after all my years on the planet it shouldn't) but it continues to amaze me how many times you can swat a puppy and it will go back and pee in the same place. And then still look at you seeking approval.
And seemingly forget entirely that you swatted it just yesterday."
10-20-2019, 11:15 PM
Lets see I asked you a question and you answered me with some line of bs.
YEP! Definitely you are in the military or ex military and NOPE, definitely you were not/are not a Commissioned Officer. Because if you ask a Commissioned Officer a straight question normally you will get a straight answer back, without some line of bs. Gotta be an ex NCO.
Quoted from a similar thread a year or so ago, but perhaps still applicable.......
"I don't know why (after all my years on the planet it shouldn't) but it continues to amaze me how many times you can swat a puppy and it will go back and pee in the same place. And then still look at you seeking approval.
And seemingly forget entirely that you swatted it just yesterday."
Bob W
10-21-2019, 01:13 PM
I have recently been asked a series of profound questions. They prompted me to embark upon a life-altering quest for deep-seated answers. In searching out my own truths, I have inadvertently obtained a newly felt compassion for those less fortunate than myself. My broadened horizons have, however, produced some unfortunately sad questions of my own. With my eyes freshly opened, I find myself wondering what life must be like for them.
Is it dark and damp in the seedy apartment or dilapidated hotel room in which they are forced to live?
Do they struggle to participate here and read their Obamaphones under the dim light afforded by a single incandescent bulb suspended by an extension cord?
Is the food they can prepare on a hotplate adequately nourishing to provide attentive brain function?
Do they find it difficult to obtain worthwhile employment, forced to register as sex offenders, or is a new and more liberal society more forgiving and allowing of minimum wage jobs?
Has the current administration cut mental health funding to the point they cannot obtain their desperately needed medications? And if so, is there no parole officer or court appointed psychiatrist or even welfare worker who has noticed the profound change in their personalities?
Having been rejected from the military due to their psych eval, criminal records or gross physical disfigurements, or claiming no military association, have they acquired an unusual fascination with the military vernacular of the brotherhood that excludes them so viciously? Or have they accepted in some way their ostracizing is of their own making?
Do they speak of themselves in the third person or develop several different identities as in multiple personality disorder?
Do they envision a delusional past with imagined happy family relationships or confront the abusive and neglected histories which are probably to blame for their dismal existence?
Will they actually publish their manifesto before they lose their grasp on the last threads of reality so that an authority will notice and save us from the heinous act they must undoubtedly eventually perpetrate?
Or will the good Lord be merciful and allow them a quiet suicide with insignificant effect on their surroundings?
These and oh, so many more unanswered questions now haunt my very being.
10-21-2019, 03:50 PM
Wow, I must have really hit you close to the mark to receive a reply like this one. Dr. Bob, has anyone told you that you project onto others real bad? I hope you go see the doctor soon so you dont worry yourself to death over these things you have posted in. They make medications to treat individuals such as yourself.
God Bless,
I have recently been asked a series of profound questions. They prompted me to embark upon a life-altering quest for deep-seated answers. In searching out my own truths, I have inadvertently obtained a newly felt compassion for those less fortunate than myself. My broadened horizons have, however, produced some unfortunately sad questions of my own. With my eyes freshly opened, I find myself wondering what life must be like for them.
Is it dark and damp in the seedy apartment or dilapidated hotel room in which they are forced to live?
Do they struggle to participate here and read their Obamaphones under the dim light afforded by a single incandescent bulb suspended by an extension cord?
Is the food they can prepare on a hotplate adequately nourishing to provide attentive brain function?
Do they find it difficult to obtain worthwhile employment, forced to register as sex offenders, or is a new and more liberal society more forgiving and allowing of minimum wage jobs?
Has the current administration cut mental health funding to the point they cannot obtain their desperately needed medications? And if so, is there no parole officer or court appointed psychiatrist or even welfare worker who has noticed the profound change in their personalities?
Having been rejected from the military due to their psych eval, criminal records or gross physical disfigurements, or claiming no military association, have they acquired an unusual fascination with the military vernacular of the brotherhood that excludes them so viciously? Or have they accepted in some way their ostracizing is of their own making?
Do they speak of themselves in the third person or develop several different identities as in multiple personality disorder?
Do they envision a delusional past with imagined happy family relationships or confront the abusive and neglected histories which are probably to blame for their dismal existence?
Will they actually publish their manifesto before they lose their grasp on the last threads of reality so that an authority will notice and save us from the heinous act they must undoubtedly eventually perpetrate?
Or will the good Lord be merciful and allow them a quiet suicide with insignificant effect on their surroundings?
These and oh, so many more unanswered questions now haunt my very being.
Bob W
10-21-2019, 05:15 PM
Hmmmm....Very interesting, from a clinical standpoint of course.
I fear I may need an entirely new pen name.
I wonder why it thought I was referring to itself?
Oh well, I'm afraid that although this has been mildly entertaining I would like to leave the conversation before it devolves to an entirely schoolyard manner.
It seems to have reached the "neener-neener" or the ever popular "I know you are but what am I?" stage.
I will stop supplying the stimulus so that it may leave on its annual hibernation only to return in a fresh and further state of deterioration next year or so.
I apologize to the remainder of the forum for delaying its inevitable departure.
10-21-2019, 06:08 PM
Hi Bob,
I appreciate the chance to let me self incriminate myself. And vice versa. Thank you.
Hmmmm....Very interesting, from a clinical standpoint of course.
I fear I may need an entirely new pen name.
I wonder why it thought I was referring to itself?
Oh well, I'm afraid that although this has been mildly entertaining I would like to leave the conversation before it devolves to an entirely schoolyard manner.
It seems to have reached the "neener-neener" or the ever popular "I know you are but what am I?" stage.
I will stop supplying the stimulus so that it may leave on its annual hibernation only to return in a fresh and further state of deterioration next year or so.
I apologize to the remainder of the forum for delaying its inevitable departure.
10-21-2019, 06:15 PM
For Dr. Bob a bit of comedy:
Diagnosing a liberal
10-21-2019, 07:00 PM
So on a different note .......... how about them Astros?
10-21-2019, 07:11 PM
So on a different note .......... how about them Astros?
So who is voting for Trump a second time?
10-30-2019, 05:42 AM
So who is voting for Trump a second time?
I am.
While I don't agree with everything he does (such as 2A concerns expressed here), as far as I'm concerned he's the best thing to happen to the GOP in a very long time. As a "Right-leaning Libertarian", I have severe problems with portions of the post-Reagan GOP platform. I also have even more severe problems with the Democratic platform - the way I see it, both parties are 1/3rd right, and 2/3rds wrong. So to paraphrase "Treebeard", I'm not really on anybody's "side" because nobody is really on mine! Choose your slavery wisely, America - because both major parties are only interested in their brand of slavery.
10-30-2019, 09:24 AM
So who is voting for Trump a second time?
I am. I work black projects in the defense industry and see a distinct change since Trump took office.
01-18-2020, 03:45 PM
It's trump or socialism and gun confiscation, what's to think about?
Punch The Clown
01-18-2020, 04:14 PM
I'm going to get names from the obits and vote using their identities. There are no requirements for proof of identity here.
Bob W
01-18-2020, 05:32 PM
I'm going to get names from the obits and vote using their identities. There are no requirements for proof of identity here.
Nor for citizenship here. I think I will wear my Frito Bandido sombrero and vote several times as well. Two elections past I saw a little Waldo-looking lib puke volunteer coaching an obvious illegal on his registration. I was told a few minutes later the Police would be called if I didn't cease disrupting a polling place. I went to the City Council office and was told the volunteers were vetted and wouldn't be removed. Dem Councilman, of course. After a lot of work and hard-fought runoff, we now have a (R)Councilman in this area for the first time in years.
If there were other viable choices, I'd go with another choice, but the Left hates him and the RINOs do too (but won't call him out to his face these days, preferring to stab him in the back), so that's good enough for me.
After living during the administrations of 13 presidents and working during 10 of those, I have never been doing better. Making more $, more $ I can spend on things other than food, clothing & shelter. I'm not interested in whether the President says the "right things" I really only care that he does them. Would I do things differently if i were the Pres ? Probably, but I doubt I'd do as well.
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