View Full Version : Almost a cure for Covid-19

05-29-2020, 01:01 PM

I'm posting on this board because this is a political as well as a medical issue. I just read a pre-print article that shows a very strong response against the virus by an old drug that's been used to treat things like head lice and scabies for decades. The study showed a 8 fold improvement over treatment as usual and often kept very sick people from needing mechanical ventilation. The study is called "Usefulness of ivermectin in covid-19 illness". I doubt the MSM is going to give this much press so read about it and pass the information along to your friends. The word needs to get out, you may save someone's life.



Punch The Clown
05-30-2020, 08:29 AM
A cure is the last thing they want. This is the once in a lifetime opportunity for complete control. This drug will be bashed by the left.

06-05-2020, 03:32 PM

There is debate about the legitimacy in the research community about the validity of the database used to derive these findings. Right now we have a Harvard professor with egg on his face and all the other co-authors have disavowed their participation so I may have spoken too soon, I'll update this thread when the dust settles. Would be nice if this were true, but right now who knows.


07-26-2020, 11:54 PM
Ivermectin is a treatment used by veterinarians to treat the effects of parasites in animals that create a covid type illnesses in the animals. There is a similar medicine used by doctors for a similar parasite ailment in humans. I heard this in March and assumed it was not followed up by anyone who cared. Apparently I was wrong.

Jimbo Slice
07-27-2020, 07:31 PM
If we could only find a cure for the human parasites...

08-14-2020, 05:35 PM
If we could only find a cure for the human parasites...
