View Full Version : Just survived "the rona"...again!

Prince Humperdink
10-10-2021, 10:55 AM
Today is my first day off of quarantine,and out of my basement "prison",and let me tell ya,it was hell! I had it the beginning of last year,and now I've had the delta too.Here is what I experienced,it started with a small cough and then I felt as if a train hit me and had a headache.I went and they tested me and I was positive,so I had a headache,cough,and a runny nose but nothing else...that is until day 4 when the fever started,the diarrhea that was pure liquid started,the inability to eat,then the cough and headache started to get worse! These symptoms lasted right until the end!

Anyhow,I lost my taste and smell also on day 5 and I also lost 15lbs from no solid food or the ability to keep anything in me,and my lungs are like 2 shrivelled pinto beans...but I made it,thank God!

Punch The Clown
10-11-2021, 08:45 AM
Ryan, glad to hear that you survived the wuhan china virus-again. Seems like this virus isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Did you wear your obedience mask?

Prince Humperdink
10-11-2021, 11:32 AM
No,I've been very disobedient .

10-11-2021, 04:42 PM
No,I've been very disobedient .

better to die free than to live a masked slave

Punch The Clown
10-11-2021, 05:09 PM
Praise fauci!