View Full Version : Happy new year!!!

Prince Humperdink
12-31-2023, 03:01 PM
I hope you all have a safe and blessed year, I also hope we can get the "LIKE" button back!!!!

12-31-2023, 05:32 PM
*like* ;) And happy new year to all the rest of you as well.

12-31-2023, 08:19 PM
Well, we've gone and pissed away another perfectly good year. Hope Santa brought you all you wanted despite the BATFE. ;) Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year with perhaps some pleasant surprises, like maybe an unopened can of ten Garands. Well, one can always dream. :)

Punch The Clown
12-31-2023, 11:39 PM
Happy and Blessed New Year to all my Friends!

01-01-2024, 11:07 AM
And the same sentiments from the Pacific Northwet, where our "rights" are now gone and I can't even buy a front band for my BM-59 any more. But there is always hope for the future, and I wish the best to each of you.

Big Ben
01-01-2024, 01:53 PM
Happy New Year Bro's!

Punch The Clown
01-01-2024, 02:19 PM