Welcome to the Battle Tested.
Discussion about guns
All things Garand. Keep it clean folks.
Everything related to the M1 Carbine. Keep it clean please.
People who have questions about their M1903. Please, keep it clean.
The place to talk about our favorite American Pistol, GI or Commercial.
USGI or New Production, doesn't matter.
Mosins, Enfields, Mausers, M14/M1A...
Here's where you can find out about the Mini-G. What's to like, how do they shoot, recoil expectations, are they fun.
This is not a forum to advertise competitors. Please have consideration, I pay for this forum and would appreciate not diverting sales to other vendors. You must be a member to see this forum.
An area to discuss the attack by sub humans on the 2nd amendment or any other portion of the US Constitution. This is NOT the War Room so keep it clean.
Swap or sell your parts with fellow members. Please, be especially polite here and keep discussions related to the items.
Know a great deal on ammo, a gun, hard to find part? Share it here and give your fellow BT members first crack before anyone else! You must be a member to view this forum.
Show us your kills, activities, what makes you tick. There should be no flaming in this room.
A place to ask each other questions that just don't fit anywhere else.
What's for sale, deals, up for auction, limits, ammo, games, opinions.
These videos are all informational and show different procedures related to your milsurp rifles. More added all the time.
The war room is reserved for those with over 5 posts. If you have 5 or more posts you may request access to the War Room with a PM to timshufflin. You will find all manner of profanity and debauchery in this area so please be advised.
Folks, you know they're out there! The undead are gathering. What would you do?
This is a forum related area where you can ask forum related stuff.
Everything about the club, moderated by the club President Charles Baker. Have a question? Ask the man.
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Welcome to our newest member, Jerry Strobel