y'all get in line. today he starts on my Mini-G. ;)
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y'all get in line. today he starts on my Mini-G. ;)
yeah, you're probably right.
My Mag-G project has been at Tims now for 3 days. I can just feel his rough but gentle hands as they massage my rifle to perfection. I am all a tingle in my nether regions! But not in a gay way of course, you understang right.....
You're making me horny.
The Great and Powerful Shuff has just informed me my Mag-G is done and will be on it's way home soon. After taking on the monumental task of making me happy and two grueling days of work on silly things I wanted done. The Wizard of Jerome completed this rifle. My prayers go out to Tim on a speedy recovery from the terrible ordeal of building my Mag-G. And since it is World Whiskey Day, I will lift a shot of 55 year old Bourbon in his honor. Thank you my friend!!!!!!!
Hey Tim, I thought we talked about German food yesterday. But I guess ya just can't get enough of that wonderful NYC pizza. Can ya?