It must be some sort of miracle, but here in left-wing whOregon we have pretty good gun laws. Unfortunately, being the rail-thin lead singer in a metal band, I can't hide a 1911 in my all spandex and skin-tight leather wardrobe.
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It must be some sort of miracle, but here in left-wing whOregon we have pretty good gun laws. Unfortunately, being the rail-thin lead singer in a metal band, I can't hide a 1911 in my all spandex and skin-tight leather wardrobe.
Put it in your fanny pack :)
Have your tailor sew an elastic band in your g-string and simply replace the socks you usually stuff in there with the 1911. Problem solved and now you will actually have a dangerous weapon down there.
My plan was to carry a Glock 30 during warmer months, and my 1911 under a coat. So much for that idea.:mad:
Texas just passed a bill that has the liberals foaming at the mouth. You can now carry on campus and in the classrooms.(college) Texas is a little tired of all the liberals that sold their property in Cal moved to Texas and are now trying to convert Austin into another San Francisco.
I carry the Kimber Pro Carry II. A fine pistol and with the inside the waistband holster comfortable. It is the difference between gold and diamonds.
What is the difference between gold and diamonds?