I have not looked but you may want to check on the beavertail safety as well as the commander hammer.
I seem to recall those not being allowed. I've been wrong before so this may be another one to chalk up.
ETA: Pull up pg38 in the rulebook. "Combat" style hammer and Beavergrip safety are specifically mentioned as illegal. I'll trade you a stock SA Inc GI or Mil-spec straight up for the Gold Cup!!!
I figured there may be more mods necessary. I specifically compared this to a Colt Government model because I had no clue what the differences are between this hammer and that hammer or safeties. The government model had the same parts. Oh Well.. I don't plan on truly competing until I leg-out with the rifle.
Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to burden you with these illegal parts. :)
I'm willing to carry that cross! It would be difficult but someone has to do it!!!
Nice sir!!! Very nice!! Peace Toolman
For 1911 grips, try this guy. Most likely not what you are looking for, but for those that do not own a 1911, these grips are reasons to get one.
Sweet! Looks like a nice pistol.