Very nice piece for sure.
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Well I got the price down a bit and took the plunge on the PM1 and went right to the range. I got 3 in groups at 25 yards with cheap AE and not one problem through a box. That is about as good as I can do so my first opinion is that it is more accurate than I am, what else is new. Overall I am very happy with it. There are a few things to tweak and change but that was expected.
Yes, it is. Not only that but It's a 1911,says so right on the frame,see?
Ive heard nothing but good about dan wesson firearms!
No not really hard to conceal just heavy. The CCO has a aluminum frame. I can carry all day and forget its even there
Are they both relatively comfortable to carry? I have no experience carrying a 1911 type pistol, I have been carrying a Kahr K9 for a while.
With a heavy handgun a good quality holster and a heavy gun belt is a must!! You cannot scrimp, you wont get buy with a cheaprig like you can with lighter handguns
Yes its possible to carry full sized 1911's. Like I said earlier I carried the CBOB for awhile and did OK but I never forgot it was there:)
The CCO is much easier to carry , I have never looked back.
I will have to check one out. Will be able to get a better Idea with the gun in my hand.