Ryan, it doesn't even get a last name! That's right, the royals don't have last names! For now on lose the Bruner and just call yourself Prince Ryan of the House of Roundup.
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Ryan, it doesn't even get a last name! That's right, the royals don't have last names! For now on lose the Bruner and just call yourself Prince Ryan of the House of Roundup.
Hey Ryan, on your next trip to The Golden Corral just walk out without paying. If they say anything just respond "Don't You Know Who I Am!!!?"
Stu,You are on to something here,my Mom said I was descended from Scottish royalty.I hereby proclaim by royal decree that Golden Corral is my domain and subject to my rule.......So there is such thing as a free lunch?!?!
ps,I wonder if I can invoke Prima Nocta?