I shot a very nice buck with my SKS about 5 years ago. I had to shoot just one to say I did it. The shot was from only 50 yards though, went right where I aimed.
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I shot a very nice buck with my SKS about 5 years ago. I had to shoot just one to say I did it. The shot was from only 50 yards though, went right where I aimed.
A bit off topic,but my only SKS was a mint '52 Russian that was still in cosmolene for $125.00(?) about 20 years ago,sold it about 15 years ago for 150.00.I still kick myself over that and I probably will never find another affordable Russian made again.
ps,boy was it a shooter!
First, Lead poison, Thanks for posting Yodders page..It made so interesting reading...I bought the first one years ago when Clinton made his deal, Suspect it was some of his first millions, later...The trigger was very rough, the rifle brand new chinese, unissued...Working on a sear is very tedious, if you read yodder, you will know why, If not, The SAFETY only blocks the TRIGGER..The rifle can fire any time the sear slipps the hammer...As in dropping or rough handling the rifle.. Yodder shows a diagram on how to rework the sear for better control..All this said, IF YOUR SKS, STARTS Double and Tripple fire you will notice, if it does not hurt you or someone else..Stop shooting and seek help, look at the sear...That rifle can fire so fast, from slamfire...Some owners have been hurt and worse....They are good weapons, but need proper care around the bolt and firing pin..No spring for return of fp..Some Ak's were made with-out springs on the Fp.?? All this is just words to the wise, No BS meter needed..My 2cents worth fo it..
This one was imported in 91 from what I can tell, It's not 922(r) compliant with the bayonet on. I'm thinking about changing the piston, and Trigger, Hammer, and Sear to Murray's US Made parts, for compliance, but also for my piece of mind. I am also considering his Firing pin with a retaining spring, just for the heck of it. I got this rifle cheap, so I don't mind dropping a few bucks in it on parts upgrades (not tacticool upgrades).
I think I'm down to my last dozen or so SKS's One yugo 59 unniusued,and my Albanians.
Murrays us made parts, Got a lead on that?? Never saw a FP spring for any of the SkS that I have handled..I know i shot the snot out of it, never malfunctioned and shot accurate too... I actually liked the commie design, But all gun people don't always come up with an original design on their arms? Nik did it- then paratrooper model,then improved it to an Ak design..
Not cheap, but as said, I don't mind putting a few bucks into it, gives me something to do and keeps me out of trouble.
The fp spring may be a solution in search of a problem. But since the SKS does not have a safety bridge like a M1 so it may not be a bad idea to help prevent slam fires. Apparently the older ones had such a spring.
Justin, First time for everything,,they sure aren't cheap..Now i have to picture in my mind on whether to do the mods to them..I gave my oldest Chinese SKS to my son, to train grandson... they have a good idea. I have never saw the difference on early Russian....I had read about one guy here whom killed himself with the Chinese version..Seems he cleaned it and put firing pin in backward, where it was pinned out..It ran away with full mag and he lost control of it..Fatal ERROR....My sear had a flaw and would tripple..just a couple times and i pulled the group..Og.
Yeah my purpose with the parts is two fold, this rifle as far as I can tell was imported as a 'sporter' meaning without the bayonet, and with all 14 of the relevant 922(r) parts being chinese made. This means if I want to put the bayonet back on I have to swap 4 of the relevant parts with US made ones, at least to be 'legal'. I have no problem swapping anything chinese for US made. The 4 trigger group pars are supposed to clean up the trigger a bit. We'll see. I also bought a US made gas piston so that's my 4 compliance parts. They have US made stocks and handguards I could have swapped, but it's all Mall Ninja type stuff.
I bought it as a project to mess around with. I wanted to put the bayonet back on because I think these look naked without it.