I'm curious to see condition when they arrive. I need afew myslef
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I'm curious to see condition when they arrive. I need afew myslef
They seem to be 'better' with their new website. Maybe their order taking system is a lot better with it. I ordered a fiberglass stock a few years back, never got billed, never shipped. I ordered a handguard on their new site a few months back, fast ship. Email confirmation, shipment email. Product was good too.
*Maybe* they got their act together...
Let us know how it goes.
I'm starting to believe that Fred looks at orders as low hanging fruit. Meaning he'll get the easy ones first and if at all complicated or has to search thru the warehouse it gets put to the back of the line. Just a guess....
Congrats Sean on the quick order fill and ship from Fred's.
Rumor has it that he's looking to sell off the business. Anyone want to go halfsies? :)
Ordered on Saturday. Received at my house on Thursday. Not bad. I'm not there to open them, but will have wife crack into them this week and take some pics