I shot this group today
front rest bench
1969 HXP, 8rds
2 " group
To bad it wasnt centered I could have been a contender for Shuffs Postal Match
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I shot this group today
front rest bench
1969 HXP, 8rds
2 " group
To bad it wasnt centered I could have been a contender for Shuffs Postal Match
That is a good group. If mine would do that with Greek ammo I would be happy.
The Garand I used was a $295.00 Woodless Dane Rack Grade I bought a few years ago, handpicked from the North Store. MW2-TW3 VAR barrel. Was the first rifle I sent to Shuff to have refinished when he was first getting started in the business. Always was a good shooter
I wish I could shoot that good. Nice target Orlando.