Why don't we start the "Battle Tested 1911 Collectors Association" and volunteer over at anniston to sort and grade the pistols?
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Why don't we start the "Battle Tested 1911 Collectors Association" and volunteer over at anniston to sort and grade the pistols?
I think it's great that we can disagree without being (too) disagreeable. Few thoughts come to my mind as well. (Occasionally, that is)
"Ship the grade rifle you sold, not the one in your hand"
"Whatever the inflated and manipulated market will bear"
"I certainly don't have to buy them" ....and don't, since my last "one more try" in 2011-
Tim, you saw the crown on that rifle you just did for me, would you have even fired it? I never did, it scared me, and not much does.
" $1000 for a $500 pistol is not a fair deal" ... I believe the phrase "shot out or busted up" was quoted, and admittedly inflating the price just isn't ok. And I'm with you, I won't be buying one either.
Thanks for your opinion, all valid points.
I just can't see spending that much for something that you have no idea what you will get.
In the past two years I have bought 2 1911 series pistols, retail, for under what CMP is going to ask.
Girst one was at of all places, Cabela's. For 900 bucks I got a M1911 WWII light rebuild. Colt frame and slide, but not matching dates, All 1911 except for the barrel, grips and finish. Barrel was a High Standard contract replacement, grips were wartime brown plastic and the pistol had been parkerized. Came with a very nice USGI brown shoulder holster. The minimal wear on the pistol matched the areas on the holster would rub, both had been together for a long time,
The second one was a run of the mill USGI 1911A1, Remington Rand. Springfield replacement barrel. Thin park, but not refinished. Looked EXACTLY like the one I used to carry as unit armorer back in 1986-7.
Both cheaper than what CMP will want. I am happy with both.
Don't people buy M1s from CMP and have no idea....other than published grading criteria.....of what they will get?