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If anything like this were ever to come to trial, the perps stance would certainly come out during cross examination.
Given their mindset, I can imagine how the questioning would go.........
" Isn't it true that you are an anti-gun advocate?"......"Well, yes"
"And isn;t it true that you wanted Mr. ____ to perform gunsmithing work for you?"......"Well, yes."
"Why in the world would an anti-gun advocate want to own a gun?"......"well, I need for self defense"
"SELF DEFENSE?!"........."Well, yes. Doesn't everyone have the right to self defense?"
"But you are anti gun"........."Well, yes"
"And you own a gun?"......"well, yes"
"But you don;t think that others should own guns nor promote their ownership or use?"......."Well, yes"
"And you are suing Mr. ______ for not performing work on your gun because he disagrees with
your views and your advocation that he be put out of business?"........."Well, yes"
"If you put all of the gun smiths out of business, then who would perform the work on ther gun that you
own that you have just stated that others should not be able to own nor use?"............."Well........I don't want to put them out of business."
"Isn;t that what you just testified to?"..................."Well, yes. But that isn;t what I meant."
"Then what did you mean?"................................."Well...... .....Only the pro-gun gun smiths should be put out of business"