To clarify MY statement, Tony seemed to be a little trigger happy, if that was Tony. Brute, I didn't get the impression that anyone threw lead your way, but that's just me.
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To clarify MY statement, Tony seemed to be a little trigger happy, if that was Tony. Brute, I didn't get the impression that anyone threw lead your way, but that's just me.
I like to think you're right Howie..........But as a "what if?" look at Bill's post as if it were directed at me.......I know internet communications lose a lot in translation, but we all don't know each other THAT well........;Confused;
Yeah, I gotcha, but I've had a few chats with Bill, and he doesn't seem the type to go off half-cocked.
Thought you were gonna take a nap.
Ahh. The Boss speaks..... I feel your pain.
Since I'm just a dumb ol' ETX redneck, my way of thinking is probably really stupid. Let's say I have a rifle that won't cycle and I can get it to cycle by changing out a spring. Nope, I don't want to solve my problem with a $15-$20 spring. I want to buy a new $100 op rod or $75 gas cylinder so I can keep my "good" spring in my rifle..........NOT! :rolleyes:
Just a ignorant Question:
Would you really rather fix the real problem or put a bandaid on it?
This is really the crux of it. You said it well and you said it simply.
Orlando, what do you call an oprod piston that meets spec, a gas cylinder that meets spec, an oprod that tilts, a gas screw that seals, but the rifle won't cycle with LC? Stu has personally sent me a rifle that would not cycle with LC and everything was in spec. The rifle would not cycle with LC before it was parked and it would not cycle after it was parked.
I've read now that the reason the rifle may not cycle is because it was parked. I keep hearing all this hairbrained stuff but I don't see anyone who's ever tested their theory on this thing, well that is, except Stu or I.
The first thing to try, so you can use your precious new spring, is to back the gas lock off one turn. This commonly fixes the issue because you created a larger gas chamber for the gas to expand in. This is much like what EricC (do I have the name right?), from the cmp forum, has done with his new gas lock screw. I then found that if this didn't work you could use an in spec oprod spring of more worn vintage and take the rifle the rest of the way.
What band aid was used? You have an in spec piston, an in spec gas system, an in spec spring. Sounds in spec to me but you just have a problem with that weak LC stuff functioning that nice Orion spring with the New Umph to it.
Put HXP in the very rifles I'm talking about and there is NO problem! HXP works fine until the parts on the rifle are actually out of spec. LC is the specific ammo I'm talking about.