Mr. Wilson, no bend. I have to bend it to be straight.
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Mr. Wilson, no bend. I have to bend it to be straight.
First off, great job Tim! Now I guess you have the MINI59/14.
Anyway, we are trying to get a run done right now of a muzzle break to go with the 59 gas cylinder. It will be similiar to the Smith break...but with the porting of the BM59E model break. The will be less than 4 inchs long. Would post a pic, but the prototype is back at the shop.
Hope this post is OK by Tim.
The M14 still would not work Colter without some serious mods.
Couldn't be that easy huh lol.
Standard Parts sells the BM59 Gas Tube for $115.00
The short BM59 breaks are done very well. I am running one of the prototypes on my M14 mag fed rifle now.
I don't like that look. Looks like a Yugo SKS,
Sent my rifle, a Standard Parts gas cylinder, original Beretta gas plug and front sight, and a trimmed down tricomp (it was demilled by cutting the tip, had no choice but to shorten it) off to Tim for Mini-G conversion with this gas system. I'm especially liking the idea of a straight op rod and like the way it looks, too. Can't wait to see how it comes out!
BTW, if anyone's looking for a BM59 spindle valve, I have one left over from this. Unfortunately, no other unused parts survived the demiller's shear. :mad: