Very good point!
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First of all, prices on everything are stupid high. I love to restore as much as shoot and have done both since getting into this hobby 3 years ago when Timmy put my first one together. The bubble will break, and its just a question of when. Im restoring a Gas Trap and a six digit Winchester, and there is no way I will make any money on either, mostly becasue I never plan to sell. I do it becasue I love doing it. Im only 25, and this is the best way for me to connect with the past. The prices on everything are prohibitive, both to collectors and shooters. When the bubble finally pops, I will be there waiting for fair-weather M1 fans to drop like flies.
I can't wait for prices to drop,then I can buy some of the things I need to make all of My M1's correct!Just a few Years ago I was paying at least Half of what the current values are!
Me too.When I started out to restore a 6 digit WRA I was able to afford most of the parts.Now it's just sitting in pieces in a box as parts prices keep on climbing and available funds keep decreasing.As for those M1Cs,they'll be sitting on the racks forever like those "NM" dogs.
Anybody who cries about recoil from a Garand has obviously never shot my little brother's .460 Weatherby Mag.
Let the bubble burst if it must! I purchased my rifles not as an investment, but for something to have and to shoot. From my first M1, a 6 digit SA that Tim has reparked for me, to my latest, and HRA, I love 'em all, and have no intentions of getting rid of them. OTOH, it would be nice if the IHC prices would come down; that is the only one I don't own yet.
The CMP has re-barreled the M1C rifles now being offered? If that's the case, as far as I'm concerned, all collector value is gone. The rifle description says nothing about the rifles not being original. Not that I would put 3K into one.
I cant wait for CMP to run out of Garands, I'll be unloading the safe when they do
I remember, back when I was about 14 or 15, my best friend and I took his Granpa's 8mm Mauser that he had brought back from WarII to the creek, with a box of shells that Jim probably stole from Grandpa's closet, lol. We shot up a bunch of turtles. Gawd, it was impressive what it would do. Anyway, Steel butt pad, and I weighed all of maybe 130 lbs back then. We never thought the recoil was bad. I have to agree with Tim on the 3 1/2". Think I would rather hunt turkey with a garand.... ;)