Got my barreled receiver back from Tim Schufflin in record time. The fit of my Berretta gas cylinder to the Criterion barrel was perfect so no Locktite bearing fit green was needed this time. Fit the hand guard and lower band(still screwed and glued) to the barrel with the green Locktite and Shogoo,just can't help myself on that. I found that the stock ferrule and lower band fit was terribly tight, perhaps variances in manufacture caused this. I bent the U on the stock ferrule a bit downward and ground clearance on the lower band.I started to and maybe should have removed the stock ferrule and lowered it but it's screw is peened to the point of having to ruin it to remove it so I choose this method, I can always buy the necessary parts and try it the other way if needed. This poor shopped picture is not my lower band but one I found online and edited to show where I had to Dremel. Now I have good pull down .Also removed wood from the bottom of the lower hand guard and Shogooed it to the barrel.Now there is a minimum of 1/8" clearance between the butt stock and the lower hand guard. Overall I am pleased with the project thus far and if it will ever stop raining a range report is coming .
You may be cutting on the wrong piece. Can you post a picture of the stock ferrule as it sets on the stock . Take it looking from the end.
I have seen ferrules that set to high and need lowered.This will let you have the tension you are looking for as you now have clearence for barrel to move
I'll try to get some pictures. Lowering the stock ferrule would likely have been the best course of action. To do that I would have simply ground off the brad on the mounting screw to get it off and then do the wood work. I'm going to try it as is first. As it sits I can compress the barrel about 1/32" may be more and when released it springs back up.The barrel channel in the Boyd's stock was relieved many years ago.Back then I at least knew that much but the lower hand guard was in a terrible bind to the butt stock.
Is there a decent space between the lower band and stock ferrule?
Yes.At rest, a playing card(essential tool for gunsmiffin;) ) will fit into the gap easily.
I would mod the stock as I showed and cut the end of the stock slightly so ferrule will set back farther from the lower band, I really feel you need more gap. Just my opinion yours may vary:)
I am thinking the downwards pressure is the wrench putting the barrel onto the receiver. That makes more sense to me. :) Rick B
I ground off the brad on the stock ferrule bolt and removed the stock ferrule. Rasped off enough wood to achieve 3/32" + in between the stock ferule and the lower band. Also lowered it a bit but not much as I have already bent the stock ferrule horseshoe down a bit.Hopefully I'll have a dry weekend to try it. Last weekend my club's special any gun/any sight Smallbore and Centerfire match got rained out so we are going to try it again this Saturday.
While you are at it you may want to releave the sides of the barrel channel. (See my first pic) Make sure when barrel flexs when fired it doesnt rub the top sides of the channel
I ordered a new stock ferrule. I'm not in a great hurry to complete this project. I want to give this rifle every chance to shoot well. I had assumed the stock ferrule was epoxied and that is the reason I bent the horseshoe, did not want to risk ruining the stock by attempting removing the ferrule. Now, after removing the ferrule and setting it back for longitudinal clearance I cannot help but want to install a new stock ferrule and lowering it in the stock. The stock has plenty of clearance in the barrel channel, did that years ago on it. I know some may think that setting up a Garand with clearance here and tension there is obsessive but I freely admit to being obsessive.Being obsessive kind of comes with being a Machinist/Millwright match shooter and hand loader. The eccentricities of this hobby is one aspect that makes it so much fun .