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In theory I agree with you, but if we had 100,000,000 deaths related to firearms, we'd be in a civil war.
However, if you chould do a few small things to make a difference, that, say, lowered that stat to 100,000 murdered, and those "things" were no big deal... it might be worth it.
Obama's "Universal" back ground check is BS, because checking of sales between two people in the same State is none of his friggen business. Though, I suspect you might pick up 2-5% more inelligable people that way.
The NCIS stuff works well as it is, provided that States are actually sending the information to them. I know that Maryland is not, which makes us a big fat bunch of loosers.
States that make large use of "probation before judgement" need to start enforcing the minimum senatances that hey already have on the books. In Maryland, we've not been doing that, and 68% of firearms related crimes involve felons that are early released. God forbid we fix that problem...
These are the basic things that don't impact our Right, but could huge impact the criminal element.
I dunno...