What did Colt use on the 100 year anniversary rollmark? Is that similar?
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What did Colt use on the 100 year anniversary rollmark? Is that similar?
Just engrave my name on the left side and send it to me! :)
After all this,I hope we will see the pictures.
We'll get nothing and like it :(
Guys give a guy a chance. I'm just now finishing it up as the slide just did come home this week after being at Wilson Combat for a rear sight cut and sights. I lapped the slide to the frame today and had planned on fitting the rest of the parts, however Mr. Arthritis has advised my hands that they are through for the day. I hope to finish fitting the parts tomorrow and test fire it on Friday or Saturday. Once I get it test fired I'll take pictures and post as they will be the "before" pictures. It then goes for engraving and then to get Cerecoated and to have a flush cut barrel with a reverse crown job. When it comes home I'll take the after pictures. So far this has been a great learning experience and I've developed a new respect for pistol smiths and gun smiths. In fitting some of the parts its stroke once with a file and put it back together to check for fit. I've really taken my time and have read, called Wilson, watched Wilson you tubes and took by other Wilson part for comparison for this build. Working on a 1911 isn't much different than an M1 Garand just smaller parts! I appreciate all the comments regarding this build.
Okay, you've had your chance, where's the picture?
Okay. Does that mean it won't be finished today?
Be sure you spell my name correctly and take a good clear picture of it. :)
OK, Guys it's finally together and functioning properly. I'm headed to the range to test fire it and to see how it does with live fire. I'll post pictures of weapon and maybe the target provided it's good enough.