Is that from the article about the 1943 WRA Receiver built with 1945 WRA parts?
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I don't believe that just because a barrel is stamped "Blue Sky" that it's inferior. Out of all of my Garands my Arlington/Blue Sky is my favorite.
There are no experts just varying degrees of consensus.TE,ME,and headspace are greatly overemphasized by a few to confuse the vast majority who don't know and could care less but it makes you sound important.Before the CMP had grading standards using TE and ME how many people had even thought about it or even seen it used in a description of a firearm for sale.
One additional comment comes to my simple mind.
Those experts touting their knowledge relating to the M1 Carbine know less than the self touting Garand experts. If any rifle had varriants it was the little M1. So many of these people slam anyone who disagrees with them and their beliefs.
Every book on the subject is wrong, wrong and more wrong. While we have some information from the manufatures and the military we have so much more to learn.
I don't believe you better try to take my M1 away from me.