Originally Posted by
You have left a lot of facts out of your argument and you refuse to see the other side of the debate. It's much like watching edited news reports from NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. I tried to explain what happened, how it worked, before Congress dipped into the fund. I tried to explain the Congress has taken the money and used it in other places, while still bringing in revenue, in the form of taxes or borrowing. There is still money in the Treasury. That money just needs to be focused in the correct places, ie, ending Social Security in the manner or similiar to which I explained. It is obvous that you have no desire to debate, but rather to preach. It is your forum, I thank you for the chance to speak in it, but at the end of the day, you still own the forum and your ideas will always prevail. I await the outcome of the November elections to see if America is truly dead, as I now believe that it is. The Constitution is being trampled on by one side and waved vigorously by the other. Trampling it destroys it. Waving it shreds it. Both sides are destroying the Principles by their arrongence and entrenchment. Good Luck and Good Day.