Awesome, what a listing?
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Awesome, what a listing?
Enjoy :)
HRA (RG 1/11 Parking Lot): 5,541,511
HRA (SGS MAGNA NS 1/14): 4,758,070
WIN (FG 5/12 CMP): 1,626,709 Win-13, First CMP Purchase
WIN (R 3/13 CMP forum): 1,320,520
SA (R 4/12 GB): 3,457,777 Have all parts to make it correct
SA (SG 10/12 CMP): 6,095,088
SA (SG MAGNA SS 11/12): 3,620,404 SA-64 Rebuild
SA (SG MAGNA SS 11/12): 4,351,639 Corrected
SA (R 4/13 GB): 618,010
SA (B/R 7/13 CMP Forum): 6,095,019
SA (SG CMP NS 9/13): 633,269 M1D
SA (R CMP Forum 10/13): 1,079,400 Reserved for BM-59 Build
SA (B/R CMP Forum 11/13): 1,754,395
SA (B/R CMP Forum): 527,293 LEAD -65 Rebuild
SA (B/R CMP Forum 1/14): 1,846,007 Navy Mk2Mod1
SA(SG CMP Forum 1/14 ): 3.8mil 1903a3
I added some more in the past couple of years
290,413 3/52 barrel CMP receiver
1,930,670 9/43 barrel SG CMP
2,550,033 2/44 barrel SG Dupage
3,605,384 2/45 barrel SG CMP
3,563,373 1/55 barrel CMP B/R
4,350,057 9/53 barrel SG Private sale
4,355,444 9/53 barrel private sale receiver
5,813,623 10/54 barrel CMP receiver
5,880,719 3/52 barrel SG CMP
6,094,882 1/55 barrel SG CMP
5,632,649 5/55 barrel FG CMP
5,637,732 5/55 barrel CG CMP
I have a Garand with a serial number in the 800 range.
Bmr 7542
pb 2582