Did you guys hear anything about this?
Sounds like it will be worth a look anyway. What do you guys think?
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Did you guys hear anything about this?
Sounds like it will be worth a look anyway. What do you guys think?
sounds nice a mile at supersonic, i see anew generation of sniper rifle
Would be curious to see how well it performs and what kind of gains can be made over the .308 standard. The make or break factor here is going to be price point though, not gonna make very many waves if it is another 2k+ version.
I dunno. It's kind of a step backwards in my book.
Plus, 30.06 isn't cheap, nor is it plentiful.
I'm giving serious consideration to converting more of my Garands to 7.62 NATO just to be able to use a more readily available round.
7.62 is still having problems with their M14 receivers. I don't think I would trust them with a brand new design. Also, 7.62 will probably have certain parts on that rifle that can only be manufactured by them (like the bolt). So if 7.62 ever goes out of business, where would you get the parts ? Naaa.....I'll pass
This is not something new. The first effort was concluded in 1945 and the rifle was known as the T22,T23 and T24.
. It is an M1 that was modified for select fire and the addition of the use of a mag. It was dropped as the M14 was in the works and the 7.62 NATO cartridge was in the supply system so now we had the M14.At the time they were working on it I would guess that the conversion was fairly easy especially when you have all the machinery on hand. Some M1s were converted to 8mm Mauser as a test to utilize ammo left over from WW2. All the ones I saw were just prototypes.
M14 in 30.06 Garand in 7.62, why?
Uhm, I don't know about you guys but I WANT one of those magazines!
An M-14 in 30.06 makes no sense to me, but Garands in 7.62 NATO makes a whole lot of sense. :)
I don't reload and decent Mil-surp 30.06 is getting harder to find and more expensive all the time. I already have a bunch of 7.62 NATO on hand to feed my beltfeds AND it's still in production. When we stop meddling in everyones affairs in the middle east, there will be a whole lot more surplus 7.62 NATO hitting the market.
But anyhow..building a 'new' M-14 in an obsolete cartridge isn't going to open up any new markets (unless you are on Sons of Guns) with western militaries. Most of our dedicated bolt action sniper platforms are moving to .338 Lapua or .300 Win-mag from 7.62 and semi's are being built on 7.62 AR platforms to capitalize on familiarity with the M16 family. I love M-14's and wish I hadn't sold mine, but I can't see myself shelling out any cash for one.
M14 in 8MM, sure makes my nethers tingle.......
Yes, but it is affiliated with Losok.
Losok licensed production to 7.62mm.
I was excited at first , but when I heard about Losok , I lost my hard .
Same here, why? Unless you are hunting moose, whats the benefit of -06? Maybe the Taliban is hanging out a lot at Burger King now - so we need 200 grain projectiles.