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Nice. Which manufacturer?
Humped, who are you trying to fool? Just kidding, let's see what kind of job he did!
Irwin Pedersen.
Close up photo(s)? Bet that's going to be a pricey one to restore. Good score!
You better sell that.:D
Okay Eric I got one put away for you.
How about a Winchester carbine made the first month of production.
The earliest Winchester sold buy the CMP.
Check the carbine list on the cmp
E mail me IF your interested,not cheap. October 42
LP, I have the matching Garand!
Here ya' go. My all correct IP (except for the dreaded rear sight but hey, it's a shooter not a safe queen). All for less than $200. Eat your hearts out and don't ask me how. Oh Hell, I don't care--go ahead and ask--you're gonna' anyway. Liam will bite your XXXX off if you try to steal it too.
Hey dog,
What's the s/n? Mine's 1776XXX. First block of numbers.
Carbines are like Lay's potato chips - can't have just one.
I'll bet ours were made in the same week. Mine's 1776707.
[Carbines are like Lay's potato chips - can't have just one.]
I guess I flunked the test somewhere 'cause I've only got ONE but when you already have the Holy Grail, what is left to get??
I basically got it for the Mrs anyway. It's the only way I can get her to shoot high power. The -A3 and Garand are too heavy for her and kick too much.
Yeah, I might have to thin the herd, but for me it is tough to decide which one(s) to part with. Since I've partially corrected each of them the only way to get my money back is to part them out; I can't sell some of them complete for what I have into them.
I've had just about all the variants from all makers over the years, EXCEPT an IP. I don't know why, just never aquired one. I've had the opportunity and never bought one. I have had ALL the parts at one time or another but sold everything. Even had a mint IP stock which I got off a local purchase. I sold the stock for way more than I paid for the rifle itself. Even now, after selling dozens of them, I have retained at least one example from each maker in my collection but still have no desire for an IP. Sort of like not having any desire to aquire an M1C garand. They are cool, but not having one does'nt bother me.
ALL makers?? As in ALL?? Really?? Where'd you find a Commercial Controls (they took over the NPM contract and only made 200 carbines)??? Just curious, that's all I'm saying.
The IP should be easy to restore because beyond the receiver, I would think pretty much anything goes.
[The IP should be easy to restore because beyond the receiver, I would think pretty much anything goes.]
Not exactly. SHOULD be IP or S'G'---both are expen$ive parts. I know--I have or have had both at one time. Now all I have is the IP.
AFAIK, there were no CC ever accepted by the government, same goes for IP as made by IP. It was'nt until S'G' took over that any got accepted. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Been out of the carbine loop for a very long time and I've forgotten more than I remembered. I've had very early S'G' s that had a lot of IP parts in them, but never a complete IP. I still have an S'G' but I have'nt had it or the others out of the safe in years. I don't even recall what it has for parts without digging out the data sheets. The only carbine I have out on ocassion is an early M1A1 and thats just for fondling. :)