Gas Cylinder Lock Timing Tool-Great Buy! Orlando WIll Love This!
In my search to find a 45* chamfer cutting tool to time a gas cylinder lock. I found this. They're NOS 50+ years old, parkerized finish, and they must have cost a fortune when they were made. They look like an armorers tool. Anyway, cuts the chamfer beautifully. Times the lock in a minute. It's even center drilled top and bottom.
Here's a post on gas lock timing.
Plain Old Countersink Works
After I posed the question about Loctite, I decided to play around a bit on the workroom with my drill press and an 82 degree countersink because I don't have a set of 90 degree ones. The barrel shoulder isn't a chamfer, so I think angle won't make any noticeable difference.
Long story short, using countersink with a light touch in the press allowed me to time the lock to exactly 5:30. The barrel is a Krieger in .308, so I'm not worried that much about WWII-era authenticity for this rifle. I just want it to shoot better than I can, and with the forward sight bouncing around with the gas cylinder, I needed to do something. Yes, I could have peened the splines, but I chose this route instead.