Reloading M1 Carbine
I picked up some brass a few months ago and my dad/brother are going to do some loads for my carbine. I was curious if you guys had any opinions one way or another.
Neither one of them own a carbine, so my wife is going to take mine to Ohio for some testing in June.
I was reading about it on the cmp forum, but the reloading section is like watching people argue over grease.
I reload for mine.I use 110 gr fmj bullets and 14grns IMR 4227 powder.I take rabbits all winter with these loads,and they are very accurate.
I have had good luck with WW296 powder & Sierra 110gr varminters. Watch the OAL.
Works for me.
Trim case to 1.280"
13.5g WC820 powder
Small Rifle primer
110g FMJRN projectile
COL 1.680"
Cool. I've seen different loads, all the way up to 15.0 gr of h110. I think we're going to start small and work our way into what it likes. I've also read that too much really blows the groups back up.
Anything has to be better than the aguila I bought.
As most have posted a load all I will say is watch OAL. I use 110gr Speer plinkers as when I bought them they were really cheap. The half jacket keeps them from leading the barrel. The carbine has a small window for reloads, 1 gr either way can upset your accuracy so it is best to start on the low side.
Case length is critical as it head spaces on the mouth of the case.
I have the military TM that tells the loads for all the ammo, I will take a look and see what it says the military load is.
"Case length is critical as it head spaces on the mouth of the case."
Absolutely - you must plan to trim the cases each time you reload them.
In my IP with an Underwood 2-43 barrel I shoot 110 grain Hornady bullet (.3075 diameter, NOT .308), 13.7 grains H110, assorted GI brass and any small rifle primer. This ammo/gun combo will shoot a sub 6" group at 200 (yes, 200) yds all day long as long as I do my part.
there's a lot of good reloading information on the CMP website.
go to "cmp forum" and click on the "m1 carbine" section. then click on the "cmp help: stock cleaning / ammo / mag id & accuracy" sticky.
No offense to anyone but, I would either go to a manufactures website,ie. IMR. or buy a reloading manual. It is not a good idea to get reloading information from a forum. You never know for sure just what kind of people respond to your request.
Just my opinion.
the Civilian Marksmanship Program is a pretty reputable source of information.
they do back up their reloading data by refering to the powder manufacturer's specifications.
lots of good stuff there. they go into detail about cartridge length, trimming cases, trouble shooting mifires, sighting in, etc.
<a href="http://s266.photobucket.com/albums/ii272/ECFD09/?action=view&current=M1Carbine.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii272/ECFD09/M1Carbine.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
<a href="http://s266.photobucket.com/albums/ii272/ECFD09/?action=view&current=M1CarbineII.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii272/ECFD09/M1CarbineII.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Here's my favorite data. There are MANY other sources, but I use Sierra most of the time! Good Luck with it and HAVE FUN!! $auto$ Thomas
I would never use the FM for load data. I believe the powder weight given are for information purposes only. Each lot of powder is/was tested and the loading adjusted to give the spec velocity.