Sorry, to have forgotten, But has Tim had his hands operated on yet? OG.
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Sorry, to have forgotten, But has Tim had his hands operated on yet? OG.
On or about November 15 for first hand.
I know it is tough to wait...My torn rotator cuff and shoulder surgery took forever to get done..then the recovery, but at least it will be better..
By your statement about the shoulder, I gather that Your Hands are really giving a bad time or a lot of Pain?? Bummer about the hunting time, But , I am Living Proof that a Hunter can get by for a Season, with-out hunting..But, It helps to just go sit in the woods and admire nature...I just had the jaw work started yesterday..Two bad teeth drilled and one filled, then a temp cap was was very temporary, I flipped it off wiping my gums, about two hours later..First time one ever came off that easy..I wondered if it cost extra for re-fitting..My share of payment $800.00 per cap... hurting my wallet too...
Not really Jaw work, but it is the back teeth, Where they nearly crawl in there to bore it..he did not like my bite either..It seems the female dentist I had made my caps wrong and they have decay around or under gotta pay again and have that all reworked..ya know they don't reuse the caps??Aw a Card-sharp too are we??I never play Poker, just play the slots for a few spins..
Hi, YES, It is way over the price of my latest HRA cmp rifle....Let me say Mostly HRA, they mix the parts so it won't be correct...My Insurance adjustment says it will cost $660.00 to sit in that chair and get my single mind you this the second one for that tooth...It is pityful that you cannot trust your dentist, to do the job right the first time...this is a new dentist for us, the other just did bad work..I believe my money is better invested in Steel and wood....
Old Guard,
I wish I went to Dental school...
I had broken a side tooth cracking a Pistachio shell ( A VERY STUPID expensive mistake) and had to go six times to finally get the crown completed. The first was the initial exam & x-rays. Next was the usual root canal and temporary cap, surgery to remove gum tissue to measure for the new crown with stitches because the tooth was broken below the gum line, measure the crown and mold for the new crown and finally the fitting and placing of the new crown. My cost with Aflac Prem Dental Insurance was $1560. The cost of a very nice Garand....I think my dentist has a very nice Garand collection.
What is going on with your hands Tim ?
53M1Garand,My Sleep doctor collects class 3 weapons...UZi, and Ge Minigun included? Of course his 15 minute conference is $1200 according to my insurance statement... Myself ,I could not afford to feed a minigun...for over a couple seconds...why a Sleep doctor? I hold my breath while asleep, Sleep Apnea, a silent KILLER that comes when you are down...
Old Guard,
I always wondered about those Class 3 collectors! Lol! At $80 a minute he should be shooting BMG and MG42 for Sunday afternoon shoots. Im sure the Mini is just to impress his friends. Every time he shoots he probably says..."Come on guys...I have two sessions Friday..we can shoot longer!"
Ya have to love it. If ya have the dough let the lead go...?
That sleep Apnea is awful....I hope you get better!
Take Care Old Guard!!
Hey guys, I'm a dentist and the proud owner of one of Tim's awesome creations. Just thought I would chime in on this thread.
First of all, as far as quality of work goes, dentistry is like anything else, including gunsmithing. There are other garand smiths out
there but if you want the best at a fair price you go to Tim. So how do you find a good, honest dentist? Well that's a tough question.
I've been teaching Prosthodontics (crowns, bridges, dentures, implants) at Columbia U for 24 years and let me tell you most students have
hands like bricks. Unfortunately the teaching paradigm has shifted to lots of medicine and not a lot of dentistry. So you wind up with physicians
of the mouth that suck at "wet finger dentistry" And the fact that kids for the most part don't grow up building models and working with their hands
anymore doesn't help. You know why people from the UK and Europe have such shitty teeth? Because they use this way of teaching dentistry!
So how do you find someone good? Best bet is to contact a Periodontist (gum specialist) in your area. They see everyone's work and hopefully
will steer you to someone good. Also, if anyone tells you ALL your fillings have to be replaced because they are old or because they are amalgam,
run away fast. I see patients every day that my dad put amalgam fillings in 50+ years ago and they are still working. They may not be pretty anymore
and they can and do fail…..but I replace them as necessary. Also remember that although amalgam has mercury in it it is minuscule and you get a lot
more exposure from food and environmental factors. Composite fillings can be excellent but remember they tend to last 7 - 10 years and are made of
Bis GMA resin……so pick your poison!
Finally, a dental office is the quintessential small business. Overhead typically runs 75-80% in urban areas. So that $1000 you pay typically means about $200 profit. Then, our fabulous govt takes 50% in taxes leaving you with $100. So that Garand takes 10-15 crowns to buy!
Hope this helps!
Will you be suspending operations while you convalesce - I was toying with the idea of having the 1897 shotty parked.
That's fine; your health absolutely must come first. Your workmanship is exemplary and worth waiting for. I wish you successful surgeries/treatments and a perfect recovery!
Hey, if I was needing something done, I wouldn't wait for me. I'm a simple guy, nobody is worth waiting for for something as simple as parkerizing. I did get word Monday, first surgery is Nov 26th. I am working on any jobs in the shop right now and should have the shop cleared out of what's currently here by the 26th.
I had the left hand done first because they said it was more severe,and all went well,except my hand is still crap!It has been several months,and hand is still tingly and basically crap.He said it may be because there was so much any rate I opted out of doing my right because My left hand was totally useless for doing any task for about 2 months.Good luck Brother Tim!
yeoow, this surgery sounds tough...OG.
Mr. Shufflin Sir, Do you have any apprentices in the shop?
I only ask because I think that the things you, and many others here do, is very important. Gunsmithing isn't an art that can be lost under any circumstances.
Special knowledge of battle rifles is a plus.
Here's some guys looking for work. They sent these pics in with their resumes. Think they would find the winters in Jerome tough, but they seem to be willing to learn from the master. (not to worry, they can be made OSHA compliant)
Attachment 1227Attachment 1228Attachment 1229
Winters in Jerome might not be much worse than winters in Darra Adam Khel...
You will be fine Tim.
I had mine done 25 years ago, it gets sore right before a storm front goes through but thats better than hurting 24/7
Good Luck Tim. I hope all goes well. I think you had the right idea though, get it all done now before ObamaCare mucks up the whole healthcare system.
How are you feeling Tim? And get well soon.
Done 8:30 am this morning. So far no pain. typing left handed sucks.
Good to hear, At least no pain..