CMP gets rid of buyer/seller feedback. Theory?
Note that Orest:
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CMP gets rid of buyer/seller feedback. Theory?
Note that Orest:
Orest's explanation makes little sense. Why does he care if someone has sold 150 parts on his forum? My guess is one of their fav's got dinged for a bad trade and went whining.
He didn't like my post"BIG BROTHER SPEAKS but doesnt think"
He said they were threatend with law suits if they didn't correct some of the bad and good feedbacks????
I smell "BS"
I know the trader forum is where I'm most at,and I strove to have good feedback and buy from others who had good feedback.I'm surprised I didn't see more praising this decision!!
How can every other gun forum I'm on have a trading board and feedback, but it's only a problem on the CMP's site....
A couple more years and the stores will close!
If the CMP had to pay fair value for the rifles they sell they would have rolled over out of business a long time ago as their overhead has to be really big buck. Agree with Sean about the stores. Considering the lack of stock, they must be keeping them open to continue employment for the workers. They would be better off accumulating inventory and then open the North store during the national matches. It seems Orest follows the Gov't model of doing business.
We have the winner for today...Actually It is for entertainment, possibly to get a part or two? You can sometimes see the ole fart at the other end of the terminal?? Just be proud that you did not put your Whole retirement fund into Garands, or maybe you did and feel it was a good deal.. either way it is going to be alright....Correct Grade certificate could be FAKED??? Say it ain't so, not by anyone on CMP? Excuse me, i just had some good cough syrup, caught the creaping crud this weekend..Og.
I have always had great dealing with cmp members over the years , the feedback helped and I would send out before payment often. In the last few sales I posted I had to contact a mod and on another a member contacted a mod for me. I put 3 guys on a list not to deal with in 2 months . its no wonder this has happened ,
The entire CMP business plan isn't even close to a business plan. It is designed to do one thing, and one thing only - prolong employment as long as possible. Don't tell me Orest is ready to give up his $300,000 a year job. He's going to ride that train until the wheels fall right off.
I never had a problem buying or selling on CMP. Since 2007 I only had about 30 transactions.
I know who I want to buy from or sell to. Also, I see how a person conducts himself on the
forum and that will determine whether I would want to do business with that person.
Maybe the head of the CMP is getting tired. Seems like the last year for the CMP has been complete chaos. Think it would go a lot better if they were able to put the rifles and parts in an Amazon fulfillment center. Joking of course about the fulfillment center. but really think the CMP needs to bring in some expert help in filling and shipping orders in a timely manner. Almost seems like the CMP is caught up with a business expansion that they are not up to the task to handle.
They will probabaly close down the For Sale section so people wont have any choice but to buy their overpriced parts
I think it's headed that way...
Just an example of the business model
They asked what it was.....
and then...
I'll be damned
I just can't understand why they will not dedicate a small amount of brain power to know about the items they are selling. Or hire people that do.
Mr. O brags that he does not own any of the rifles that he is selling. Or knows anything about them. The few that do.... pilfer like crazy and get away with it.
I got my fill with them with the drill rifles. Drill rifles were coming out with rare parts out the wazzo the first few weeks. Because they were never "Worked".
The CMP probably does have people who know what they are selling, but maybe the place is run using a typical learned and ingrained gov't business model. That being an environment that does not necessarily reward the person with the best ideas, or a person who might throw something critical of the system out there. Going by the "Orest" postings it's pretty much "my way or the highway" it seems. The CMP took the customer ass kissing to unheard of extremes so now it seems it's wearing thin on the old guy. Maybe it was just a couple people at first that they said yes to keep the squeaky wheel greased so to speak, and now they have a legion of squeaky wheels (whiners) that's costing them time and money-maybe in a big way. And then, in a world of CMP auctions where they get big big bucks in the thousands for many of the rifles, they burn time pimping a freak'in hammer. WTF? Cripes sake, get the good shit on the auction and sales sight and get on with it. The customer base is hungry for rifles-NOW-get them shipped. WTF...pull a rifle, put in in a box and ship the damn thing out. Short on wood?---ship woodless, it's easier. Slam that puppy in a plastic sleeve then into a double wall box and get it on it's way. Why jerk around. If you got 20,000 rifles to ship bring in a bunch of temps for crying out loud---how much is that going to take away from your bonus and retirement plan? One can only imagine when the guns run out and the current employees get tasked over to the new rifle range things will be so they won't lose employment. Can just about see a guy riding around all day in a golf cart making 60+K a year wearing Bermuda shorts with a white belt and black socks with the title "special assistant to the assistant to the executive assistant range officer". Just my opinion....means nothing.
PS-----Support your local or not so local gunsmith. Build a relationship with the small guy who really values your business and knows what they are doing. I'm not just talking about Shuff. (Although I do aknowledge he has great prowness as a gun mechanic and other things) but good gunsmiths are a vanishing breed. At the very least where the hell else can you hang out in your old age and BS half the day away.