They killed off Beth and Rick is finally growing a set of cojones!!! Now who saw that coming?
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They killed off Beth and Rick is finally growing a set of cojones!!! Now who saw that coming?
Beth was dead to me the moment they introduced her so no loss to me. The growth of Rick is a longtime coming!
Wow, I just watched the episode. The cough medicine put me under the bed last night.
I am looking forward to 2/8/15 for sure!
I guess I'll see it next year.Beth was cute.
Beth kicking it didnt really shock me. It was how she dies that is the shocker. Rick growing a sack was more of a shocker to me.
I kind of saw the same message in both the dickhole cops death that I saw in Beths. All you had to do was ____. All Beth had to do was walk and she would have been OK. All the dickhole cop had to do was stop. They both chose to stir the pot and paid the price.
Rick will realize this and go a bit nuts again, perhaps more phone calls like in the prison.
My big question is when, oh when, will they learn to NOT leave a live enemy behind you, as well as to remain alert and "suspicious" when dealing with others, but definitely have a plan to kill them should the need arise.....
When will abandoned cars quit starting, it's been at least two years after the outbreak going by the baby's age. You all have car batteries that can sit that long?
I think it's something like 17 months in.
And the gasoline would fare fine, the newer systems are very sealed so the lighter hydrocarbons wouldn't evaporate so easily.
So 17 months in with corpses walking around and exposed to a couple of winters ..... wouldnt the bodies pretty much be falling apart at this time?
Second: Why haven't some enterprising souls just picked up something like an MRAP (or hey that Abrams from season 1), a few million rounds of 22 ammo and a dozen 10/22s and cleared out a few counties worth of land by hosting a rock concert / sniping competition?
newer cars, you would think so, but my 2006 is in excellent shape..I let it set for a whole week, but the tank was less than half full...Something happened to the gas,as I was burning about three times as much on my next ran, but was not peppy..I filled it up and added some injector cleaner, by Berrymans, and it cleared up by the end of the day..ETHANOL is very Hydroscopic, and draws water to it...No BODY with any gumption around here puts it in small engines,Boats, nor...Chainsaws either..
When will season 5 be on net flix, any ideas? The wife and I started watching about 6 months ago and watched the 4 seasons pretty quick. I would stay up late at night and watch an episode and than watch it over with her and act like I have not seen it.
No idea, I watch this stuff the moment it comes off the press.
The season finale was very good!