Heaven help us.
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Heaven help us.
Appointees to the supreme court still have to get approved by the senate. I just hope we don't have some traitors on the republican side of the senate that will help get a liberal justice approved.
There better be no traitors. There better be goose stepping to the drum and all marching in order.
That sucks, hard. Very, Very Bad. I bet he was murdered by the Obummer admin.
So, all you Constitutional experts on BT....my take is that the President can not make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court.
Am I reading this correctly?
Let's see what they say in the debate tonight :)
You can bet that Obummer has Lynch looking into a way to make the appointment NOW.
Have you not heard? This "President", the "Constitutional Professor", can, and will, do whatever he damn pleases. I have yet to see the RINO's in the Congress stand up to anything that he wants.
It is time to end the Political Party system, end the "candidate with the most money wins" philosophy and end the Electoral College. Let anyone who wants to be President make his or her best arguments to the American People, let them all be on the Ballot and let the American People decide, by popular vote, who they want to be their Leader. And by "People", I mean "Taxpayers". If you don't pay money into the Government, you don't get to vote who will represent you to spend that money.
The loss of Justice Scalia is just another blow to a dying America. As soon as it was announced that he was dead, the first thing that the Liberal Media wanted to know was who would replace him and how quickly Obama could do that. No respect or common decency what-so-ever.
Our founders feared a populace democracy and that's why we don't have a pure populace vote. I think they had good reason to fear this.
Q: Why does the U.S. have an Electoral College?
A: The framers of the Constitution didn’t trust direct democracy.
Why does the United States have an Electoral College when it would be so easy to directly elect a president, as we do for all the other political offices?
When U.S. citizens go to the polls to "elect" a president, they are in fact voting for a particular slate of electors. In every state but Maine and Nebraska, the candidate who wins the most votes (that is, a plurality) in the state receives all of the state’s electoral votes. The number of electors in each state is the sum of its U.S. senators and its U.S. representatives. (The District of Columbia has three electoral votes, which is the number of senators and representatives it would have if it were permitted representation in Congress.) The electors meet in their respective states 41 days after the popular election. There, they cast a ballot for president and a second for vice president. A candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes to be elected president.
The reason that the Constitution calls for this extra layer, rather than just providing for the direct election of the president, is that most of the nation’s founders were actually rather afraid of democracy. James Madison worried about what he called "factions," which he defined as groups of citizens who have a common interest in some proposal that would either violate the rights of other citizens or would harm the nation as a whole. Madison’s fear – which Alexis de Tocqueville later dubbed "the tyranny of the majority" – was that a faction could grow to encompass more than 50 percent of the population, at which point it could"sacrifice to its ruling passion or interest both the public good and the rights of other citizens." Madison has a solution for tyranny of the majority: "A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, opens a different prospect, and promises the cure for which we are seeking."
As Alexander Hamilton writes in "The Federalist Papers," the Constitution is designed to ensure "that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications." The point of the Electoral College is to preserve "the sense of the people," while at the same time ensuring that a president is chosen "by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice."
In modern practice, the Electoral College is mostly a formality. Most electors are loyal members of the party that has selected them, and in 26 states, plus Washington, D.C., electors are bound by laws or party pledges to vote in accord with the popular vote. Although an elector could, in principle, change his or her vote (and a few actually have over the years), doing so is rare.
As the 2000 election reminded us, the Electoral College does make it possible for a candidate to win the popular vote and still not become president. But that is less a product of the Electoral College and more a product of the way states apportion electors. In every state but Maine and Nebraska, electors are awarded on a winner-take-all basis. So if a candidate wins a state by even a narrow margin, he or she wins all of the state’s electoral votes. The winner-take-all system is not federally mandated; states are free to allocate their electoral votes as they wish.
The Electoral College was not the only Constitutional limitation on direct democracy, though we have discarded most of those limitations. Senators were initially to be appointed by state legislatures, and states were permitted to ban women from voting entirely. Slaves got an even worse deal, as a slave officially was counted as just three-fifths of a person. The 14th Amendment abolished the three-fifths rule and granted (male) former slaves the right to vote. The 17th Amendment made senators subject to direct election, and the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.
And another take, http://www.slate.com/articles/news_a...l_college.html
On recess appointments
To remain in effect, a recess appointment must be approved by the Senate by the end of the next session of Congress, or the position becomes vacant again.
Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution:
The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.
Well watched the debate...WTF...other then Carson the whole lot looked like some real nut jobs. Have to admit, Trump is a real bomb thrower and the other dumb asses appear unable to counter his attacks, rather they just take the bait and lapse into arguing with a guy who really could care less about being President. And,,,,Cruz and Rubio should be seasoned enough to avoid that crap....but no they just fall prey to Trump. Some say Trump is on an ego rampage and will grow tired of the whole deal and drop off....in a ways that's what I think. Problem is by that time some who support the Republican will flee to the other two insane old white people Sanders or Clinton. What a cluster this runup to the elections is proving to be. Obama and the far left have to be laughing their ass off. Won't even mention Scalia's passing which really raises the pot. My head is spinning trying to process it all as are many others. Can only imagine N. Korea, Iran, ISIS and the rest of their kind are running overtime to exploit the lack of leadership this country has. Shit, they may just as well run the short little fat guy in N. Korea as a contender, discover a fake birth certificate saying he's the long lost son of Dezi Arnez or some such thing, as he would be in equal company to the jagoffs running now. Lucy....we're in big trouble!
Did anyone check if he had a visit from the Clintons of their associates????????
Or most probably, as my doctor rags on me about, old people die for sure, but being a lard ass pretty much hastens the event. Obviously the man lived a great life, the size of his family attests to that, but we all have to go some time. Just wish he could have waited another year or so.
I watched the debate. They did mention Scalia's passing right out of the chute.
I don't there is a single candidate, on either side, that can run this Country as President. Every time I think there is someone that I can vote for, they either shoot themselves in the foot or drop out of the race.
I'm pretty sure that in Iowa Democrats rigged the Delegates in favor of Hillary. I also think that Democrats caucused for the Republican candidate that they thought would lose to Hillary.
Same in New Hampshire. Republicans crossed the line to vote for Bernie, to beat Hillary, and Dems crossed over to vote for Kasich, who can't possibly win against Hillary.
Right now, we are in big, big trouble. If it comes down to Hillary or Trump, it won't matter. We'll still get a Liberal again. If it's Hillary, our Enemies will continue to walk all over us and World War III will escalate. It it's Trump, he'll lead us deeper and deeper into WWIII, only it will be with nukes.
I have been a Republican since I was 18. But this is the third Presidential Election in a row that the Republican Party has lead us down the path to defeat. If they can't get their act together, the Republican Party is done. Their base is too old, too outdated for them to survive. I, along with many others, will file as an independent, if most of them haven't already.
I honestly believe, and have for some time, that the United States is headed for a split into 3 separate Countries. The West Coast, including Colorado, Nevada Arizona and New Mexico; the East Coast, from Maine to Maryland, and the rest in the middle, combined with the South. The population has become too large to be workable. The Government has become too large to control. And the split between those 3 regions has become too deep to maintain the Union.
I am now going Cruz and Cruz period. trump is on record for a one payer health care program. I will not be a part of voting for someone who wants to get rid of oby care only to replace it with trump care. I may vote for rubio if he gets the nod, and of course Cruz, but I've ruled trump way out. It's a shame, trumps bad ass attitude wins votes and I think it could win a general election. As far as kasich and Carson, Carson also wants a federal health care program as does kasich.
I liked both Cruz and Rubio to begin with. The more I listen to Cruz, though, the more I realize that he is just a Politician. I don't think that he can beat Hillary in the General Election.
Rubio seemed like the young voice that we needed to break through all the garbage and be a Leader. Than he became the "broken record" 2 debates ago and showed that he is just another Politician too. If he can't stand up to someone like Christie, how is he going to stand up to the World?
So it really boils down to Trump. He can be the one to beat Hillary. But then what? Can he deliver anything that he promises? Has he really moved far enough to the Right?
Like I said, I don't see much promise in any of these Candidates. Obama has dug America into a very deep, very far Left hole that may be almost impossible to get out of now.
We're F'ed anyway which way this goes. I'm loading up some food, ammo and beer and heading off the grid.
Just kidding... Of course.
So trumps "common sense" universal health care plan doesn't scare you?
I've found it odd that in my short life every time a democrat president wants gun control all the republicans denounce it from the roof tops.
I find it more odd that when a republican president takes power and wants the same gun control that it passes as common sense and needed.
Now I'm finding it odd that everyone fought oboombya on obama care and denounced it from the roof tops.
Now I'm finding it more odd that when an east coast liberal stamps an "R" next to its name and wants a health care system even more left wing then obama's that people are finding it to be "common sense" and will vote for it.
Funny what a difference an "R" next to your name makes. My township had 5 officers on it that all had "R" next to their name. They put those "R"'s there to get elected and we soon found out that they should have had a "D". There was no spending that they didn't want. There was no tax hike they didn't like. There was no expansion of government programs or services that they didn't vote for.
You all, and I, will vote for who we want. I ask you all though, is having an "R" next to the name of your candidate good enough? Will an "R" assure Supreme Court Justices that defend the written word of the Constitution? Will an "R" make you feel better at night when your Grand Children are saddled with universal health care and taken down a further path to socialism? Is having any "R" in the white house the same as winning an election with a real "R"?
Cruz isn't perfect, none of them are, but Cruz is a nerdy, odd looking, staunch Constitutional Republican.
For the record, I seriously considered trump, rubio, Carson and Paul along with Cruz. For the first time in my life I will not vote in the Presidential election unless a real "R" is who I am voting for. I cannot remember ever losing sleep over something more than this election, I can't wait till it's over.
God Bless!
Timma, I'm not supporting Trump either. He is still too far to the Left. I'm just saying that it is going to come down to Trump vs. Hellery. We are definitely f'cked. Hellery is Obama's third term. Trump is a big talker that will only get us deeper into WWIII. He has lots of "ideas" that have no solid plans to back them up. He has just as much ego as Obama, maybe more, if that is possible.
Loretta Lynch........does that scare anybody? We will find out just who has a pair to oppose this one.
Lots of Internet conspiracy going around suggestion that Scalia was whacked.
Anything's possible, but the guy was 79 years old and based on recent pictures was carrying a lot of weight. His occupation was obviously sedentary. Looked up the stats for Marfa, Texas, don't know if they apply to the ranch but in Marfa the elevation is 4,600 feet. The humidity today is 16%. Now having lived in a city out west with similar stats can tell you that more then one visitor from flat land high humidity Midwest felt some discomfort in the change. Had to bitch at them to drink water, more water, and more water. In one case had to run one person into emergency for help and it took two bottles of whatever they gave him via IV to counter dehydration. He thought he was gonna die.
Oh yeah, not saying alcohol was consumed, but add some altitude and it changes the effect. Drink a six pack at 7-8 feet. Sheeee-ittt!
Yeah, if foul play was involved it's nothing Columbo will solve.
Most probably the guy as pointed out before, liked food, probably a bit of alcohol and hit the high desert feeling like a young guy, and like old heavy guys who snow shovel has the big grabber.
NOW...main thing is Scalia went out being admired by those who knew him and obviously enjoyed life. Can't take his record away from him and it's obvious there is no one, even an ultra conservative, who probably ever be his equal.
Oh yeah...guess interviewers and reporters would always start out with with using "Chief Justice" or "Justice Scalia" out of respect... he would always counter with "call me Tony". Imagine it was hare to keep a straight face.
I'm sick and tired of PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS, period..... I'm going to have to give Trump a chance, and at the same time, lean on my congress and senate critters to both get rid of obozo care and block any "one payer" scheme that might come down the pike.... I doubt that anyone other than another communist like Hitlery or Give it to 'em Bernie could manage to screw it (the country) up more than obozo has managed to do... Cruz would be good for the Court, though ....
I'm scared guys.
I'm afraid that a lot of people forgot how ugly Civil War is.
Then you won't like trump. From his page, item 3 sentence 3. He wants to replace oboombya care with trump care. He would cover everyone in the country with health care paid for by the government, if you can't afford it. That's means we, the taxpayer, are back on the hook no different than oboombya care.