I have quit facebook because of their 100% anti firearms and anti individual liberty (speech) stance. You will now see me regularly on this site. I encourage anyone to suspend their facebook account and find alternatives to communication.
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I have quit facebook because of their 100% anti firearms and anti individual liberty (speech) stance. You will now see me regularly on this site. I encourage anyone to suspend their facebook account and find alternatives to communication.
About time. Still godaddy can drop you in a second.
Will there be any rules or restrictions? Will hate speech be tolerated as I am full of hate of late?
Same rules as have already been posted some time ago.
I'm partway through a 30-day suspension on facebook, no reason why given and no method of appeal! The only reason I keep it is for my business page.
Yep, I had a business page.
I rarely post on facebook so I haven't been suspended. They have however removed my posts.
I’ve been thinking about leaving Turdbook. It’s tough because it’s an easy way to keep in touch with people. I did start a MeWe account, we’ll see what that’s like.
Forums on a private server is the way to go.
Loss of archived material should be a huge concern.
`WeaponsGuild" appears to have been shutdown. If permanent it is a hugh loss to the home builder and parts kit community. More sites will disappear.
This censorship krap is just starting. For those who saw Biden as a comfortable alternative to Trump hope you enjoy what's coming.
Up Next!------
"Texas State Historical Assn’s Chief Historian Says the Alamo Was an ‘Insignificant’ Battle and Represents ‘Whiteness.’"
Probably a downside to all those Cali liberals moving to Texas. Guess this will impact the sales of coonskin caps and Bowie knives.
temporary site
Would rank Shuff's Battle Tested and WeasponsGuild as very important sites for small arms info and archived material.
Would also suggest www.snugbus.com (a replacement for the old subguns site.
I can't log on to weaponsguild.
As for the Alamo business, this has been going on for a couple of years now. I recall that they were floating around the idea of removing the Alamo from the Texas school curriculum because it is racist? These savages are nuts.
Never did Fecesbook or Twatter, but did use the Firefox browser for years as an alternative to asshole Gates' MS Explorer. Then Mozilla inexplicably shot it's dick off with its recent anti-MAGA diatribe, so as of a week ago I'm now using Brave, run by a former Firefox CEO who left over a purported PC violation. My Brave browser is working fine so far, pledges no tracking and better concealment than Firefox, which it resembles on screen. My extensive bookmarks were transferred over with one click and without error. Besides Brave, I hear that Dissenter is another good Firefox or Explorer replacement.
I don't know what a mewe is but Ryan, for you I'll join
Seems like Brave works well for a browser.
duckduckgo as a replacement for google
A replacement for youtube content is going to take awhile but Rumble is stating to gain ground.
BTW.... weaponsguild is back up and if your not checking that site along with shuffsparkerizing each and every day you need to start.