It's difficult to debate an incumbant on foreign policy.
Romney left a lot on the table: Bengazi, Fast and Furious, Israel. Maybe he doesn't want to be president after all?
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It's difficult to debate an incumbant on foreign policy.
Romney left a lot on the table: Bengazi, Fast and Furious, Israel. Maybe he doesn't want to be president after all?
Romney had he weakest debate on show but I thought he was mostly right on substance.
One more thing, this is the only thing I think I agree with "it" on. I want the military cut and cut BIG. I have no sacred cows. Cut the whole darn budget and cut till they all howl.
Romney missed every opportunity handed to him and the bozos on Fox are praising him for it.
IMO the last debate meant nothing. I didnt even watch, played basketball with my son and friends. peeps have already made up thier mind who they are voting for.. All these polls are horse crap. IMO romney wins.. Here in the state.( Which last time went to BO) i live in you see no signs or college support! Whcih went his way last time. Romney is your next president. Im not trying to be over confidente. there isnt the love affair anymore. Always has been in OUR country. Crap or get off the pot!!! Love Tooldaddy.
An old mans opinion: DO NOT CUT THE MILITARY BUDGET. Control it.Control the pentigon.
Stay ahead of the rest of the world. PHOQ the rest of the world.
I'm sensitive to that Sir. I would ask though, what about those who pay these taxes and are being crunched to the bread line themselves? Who's interest is more important, the dependents who receive the tax dollars or the creators/providers of the tax dollars? I would argue the interest of private property is that which is best served. Whatever is given to one must first be taken from someone else.
The founders argued very strongly against having standing army's when there was no war to be fought. Unless I'm missing some current declaration of war, it's time to trim the military down to something less intrusive on my family's budget. I have use for my money, I'd like to use it.