"Rebuilt" Op Rod vs New Old Stock Op Rod
All - A couple of my M1's have very worn, out of spec, op rod tabs such that the op rods regularly dismount during firing as well as dry firing.
I also have one that I think must be bent incorrectly (?), because has a significant hang up / drag on the bottom side of the barrel (everything is properly lubricated). And, it fails the "tilt" test with , and not by a little bit. (This particular op rod I bought off ebay that was supposed to be "NOS", but the only thing new about it was a fixed tab and repark).
I need these replaced / fixed. I have a few questions that I hope ya'll can help me with:
Q1: Does Mr. Shufflin rebuild / repair these, or do I need to look elsewhere?
Q2: If Mr. Shufllin does not do this, then who would you recommend?
Q3: I understand that a properly rebuilt (tab, bends, piston tip, etc.) op rod is every bit as good as when it was new.
Does this apply to a NM / Series 77 op rod? i.e., if a NM or series 77 op rod is rebuilt and done correctly, does it still have all the characteristics / potential benefits of a NOS NM op rod / series 77 op rod? Or, is it now as good as a "regular" op rod" Or .....?
Thank you in advance for your contributions.