"Sister"in law update.
As many of You may know My My Inlaws had the Girl They have raised for 9 of Her 11 years taken Back by the Mother who"gave Her away",and We have all been sick and sleepless over this.I did find out that this is not as of yet permanent,as They were originally awarded temporary custody until the hearing and then out of nowhere it was reversed.There will still be a permanent hearing at some point,but Nobody can figure out the basis for the Judges reversal...even 4 other Lawyers were presented with the case for viewing without regards to which party was which and all 4 were dumbfounded as to why it was as it is!These People have cut off all communication between Her and the outside world and it is heartbreaking not being able to talk to Her.
Before I get much further I was just wondering,and no,They are not discussing this,but If they did lose could They be made to compensate My IL's for 9 years of Babysitting?They have every Day She was with Them documented and believe Me the amount of time they had Her was small..They would take Her for a weekend every couple(or 3 months),and bring Her back early every time.They have never contributed 1 dime to Healthcare,clothing,Housing,or Schooling,and had the nerve to DEMAND that They Give over all of Her belongings that My IL's have provided!
If We had a World that was as it should be They should have to Pay back for Her Bills and backpay of"Babysitting"for 9 years at $20 per Day!!!I really have bad thoughts and have been physically ill this whole time.Sorry Guys,rant over,
My (adult) niece had her daughter 'temporarily' taken away by the child's great-grandparents - without cause - about a decade ago. My niece has been having to pay substantial child support, preventing her from affording a decent lawyer to fight it. The great-grandparents are millionaires several times over....
The family court judges aren't known for their intelligence, logic, or decision making abilities - ask a lawyer!
I don't think the babysitting back pay idea will work either. It's obvious that this excuse for a mother only wants Meghan for the welfare payments.
Your in-laws still might have some "pull" though. If this bitch wants the clothes, then she has to let Meghan visit your in-laws. One visit, one shirt/jeans. The bitch probably won't go for it, but it's worth a try.
It's a shame Meghan has no say in this situation.
Our prayers are still with you and your family
So Prince, you want me to make my Christmas wishes for you? Bone Cancer is a powerful thing and leaves little time to watch your child.
I can tell you fom much personal experience that foster parenting is bad for the foster parents and equally bad for the kid.