Two years ago I saved up enough money to buy a National match Springfield(Inc) M1A. It is not a Super match but not the "loaded" model that many dealers claim to be NM. This is the most expensive rifle I own.I have shot it in three matches in the last two years. The first time I shot a 267 of 300, I can easily do better than that with any one of my Mosin Nagants or Enfields.Last year I shot a 279 with it and last month I shot a 276 with it. My Garands and AR 15 A2s shoot circles around this thing.I have tried many different loads and settled in on 41 gr Varget and a Hornady 150 FMJ. I am going to force myself to shoot it the next two months in Service match so that I will have shot it three months in a row.Maybe familiarity will bring the scores up. I do love the rifle and will keep it as it fills a slot(although technically not) in my U.S Service rifle collection but do have serious buyers remorse over it.