Anyone here pick up one of the welded M14 bolts that Dupage had a while back? Doesn't look like they are listed on the site any more. Just curious if anyone attempted to put one back in service.
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Anyone here pick up one of the welded M14 bolts that Dupage had a while back? Doesn't look like they are listed on the site any more. Just curious if anyone attempted to put one back in service.
I think Hump may have picked up a few
I use one that I "reclaimed".
I didn't drill it,I hit it with a hardened punch and the weld fell through the hole.I then just had to clean it up.I won't tell anyone it is "Safe" to do because You never know what each bolt has been through,but I feel confident,and have already used it for about 500 rounds.
I think DuPage probably has more of them if you call. Elmer Ballance was re-doing them and if he says they're safe that's all I need to know.
I called a couple of weeks ago. he said NO. no more reclamination jobs on bolts.
I don't have carbide drills to go thru the weld.
Ryan said he punched thru. I tried that too. mine are welded better I guess.
Something will turn up eventually.
Ryan and LP, do either of you guys have an extra you wouldn't mind parting with? I'd be more than happy to buy one, or work out some kind of trade. If not, I'll keep my eye out on gunbroker. I see a couple on there, but the welds are big enough that they probably overheated the lugs.